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November 13th, Tuesday Afternoon

"Larry! Place your damn mark already!"

"Hush, I'm thinking."

"What thinking needs to be done?! It's tic-tak-toe!"

"Aw man you ruined my concentration!" Larry plopped backwards dramatically, causing Travis to scoff while trying to hold back laughter.

"You're annoying."

"Awwwww, you know you love me." Larry smirked with his dumb shit eating grin Travis loathed.

"Ew, that's gay, don't say that!" Travis revolted on instinct. Larry shook his head in disappointment.

"Travis, you've got a lot to learn." He sighed placing his mark on the notebook. Travis stayed quiet, internally hitting himself for saying that. A lot of things were still confused in his mind, not knowing what he should believe. Or rather, who he should believe. It's just as Larry said, it's his choice to choose, no one elses.

He muttered a very hard to hear apology as he realized he lost. "Ah yeah! And you said concentrating was pointless, in your face dude!" Larry got up going a little victory dance after owning Travis for the fifth time.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Travis smiled at him rolling his eyes as he closed the book. The smile disappeared as he stared at the wall, deep in thought.

"Hey, Larry?"

"Yeah? What's up?" He plopped back down on the bed, moving the hair out of his face.

"When we get out of here, will we still, y'know..." He looked away starting to feel embarrassed for no reason. "be friends?"

"If you won't immediately go back to being a little fuckface, than yeah, of course man."

"I still want to be better." Travis balled his fists up, staring into nothingness with a determined yet conflicted look.

"Just saying. Besides, you're trying, I can see that. Even though there's still a lot of work to do, I have hope for you man." Larry flashes him a reassuring smile, laying against the headboard with his hands behind his head. "I will kick your ass though if you do anything."

"Yeah." Travis agreed quietly, he didn't even want to think of facing any of them let alone saying anything. It dawned on him how much things were going to change, the fear slowly crept in. Was this all even worth it?

He didn't want to face him again, who knows what hell he will have to go through when he gets home. It perplexed him how used to it he truly was, yet how a part of him still felt terrified. He never liked looking him in his eyes, he's going to have to. Probably punish him while demanding an answer out of him. He blinked as he felt arms wrapped warm, and cozily around him.

"Why are you hugging me?"

"You looked like you needed one."

"Yeah, enough of that now." Travis nudged Larry off, crossing his arms looking away. Larry let go, sitting next to him instead.

"You're thinking too much, what's wrong?"

"I was not!"

"I know that look, I'm dumb, not stupid." Larry joked lightly, raising his eyebrow.

"Just worried about seeing everyone, I guess." It wasn't technically a lie. Yet it was a lot more complicated than that, everything was. Larry just smiled at him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"You don't gotta do it right away, don't force it or it won't be sincere. When the times right you can do it, if you need me there with you that's fine. Don't got to worry about everything all at once, y'know." He chuckled, letting go. "Breathe dude, you're too tense."

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