2. Siroccos

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The beautiful she-wolf sitting opposite me licks her full blood-red lips in blatant suggestion as she picks at her dessert. An offer I will definitely take up when we leave the restaurant, she will adequately relieve the raging boner I have bursting at the seams under the dinner table.

I know she can scent my arousal, her excited response has her shifting in her seat, her own arousal hitting me like a ton of bricks. It's a shame she's not the cause of my predicament.

I don't usually do dessert. Dinner, club, fuck. Not always in that order, but that's the routine. Cynthia knows this, so our extended date unfortunately has her getting the wrong idea.

I can see it in her dark eyes she thinks this is developing into something more than just dinner and sex. It's not. I'll let her go after tonight.

Right now though, I can't leave Siroccos because I just can't take my eyes off the exquisite she-wolf seated at the table behind Cynthia.

I don't want to leave while I can sit here and unashamedly ogle the most beautiful female I've ever laid eyes on in my twenty-eight years of existence, and I've seen many and fucked more.

This she wolf is a fucking Angel. My wolf has been panting since she walked into the restaurant.

Her date is a ridiculously handsome, exotic-looking Epsilon, but the way he keeps himself alert tells me he's more her guard than anything.

They've shared lighthearted friendly moments all night and I'm aware enough to see he keeps his mannerisms friendly but professional around the female.

His broad shoulders obscured my view of the Angel so I discretely shifted my seat so I could feast my eyes without distraction.

Facing me directly I have a spectacular view of her stunning bright forest green eyes, framed by thick lashes, and tumbling waves of long ice-blonde hair falling like a silken waterfall over her shoulders. I have no doubt the color is natural but I would love to confirm it. My mouth drools at the thought.

Her eyes are my favorite color, just like the dark green velvet dress she wears. A deceptively simple dress covering almost every inch of her skin from neck to ankle but hugging every curve in a way that has me wanting to peel it off and explore the secrets it protects beneath.

Of all things, what intrigued me the most is her scent. As an Alpha my heightened senses pick up subtleties in her pheromones that would be lost to most average wolves.

She's Alpha born and unmated. Odd for a she-wolf her age which I put at mid-twenties - females of her rank are usually mated off to an Alpha or Beta as soon as they turn eighteen.

I speculate for a second that perhaps she swings in the opposite direction but as her beautiful eyes catch mine, I see the flash of interest before she glances back to her epsilon. I know that's not the case. She likes males for sure and the way her eyes keep coming back to me I know she likes me.

My wolf purrs, intrigued by this she-wolf as much as I am. My cock throbs and I feel like a horny schoolboy instead of a seasoned Alpha. Part of me relishes being undone like this. It's been a long time since I've come across a female that made me feel this way.

It's not unusual finding unmated she-wolves in the city. There are hundreds here who come because they are not ready to settle into a mate bond.

Some want to explore their sexual options which may not be available in their pack. Others, like my date Cynthia, are avoiding lower-ranked mate bonds and seeking a chosen of higher rank.

I'm not above using her rank-climbing desires to fulfill my own. This is Crescent City, anything goes.

My Angel laughs at something her Epsilon says and my throat dries as she tosses her head back, exposing the creamy skin of her bare neck. Like molasses, she runs her hand through her hair and her scent drifts across the room.

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