32. Luna

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Six hundred pairs of eyes follow Knox, Xander, and me as we enter the backyard, walking down a path from the pack house to a raised dome-roofed gazebo.

Xander and Knox hold my hands the entire way and I feel the intense scrutiny of their pack all the way to the beautiful white structure.

I’ve never been the center of attention before. That was always Neo or my sisters. My only leadership experience has been with my employees at Howler, but this is a whole new ball game. I feel my confidence and surety slipping as I sense confusion from the pack.

The confusion is because of my scent. Another Alphas scent lingers on my skin. The claim of a mate. Not their Alpha’s. Why their Alphas stand beside a claimed she-wolf they do not understand.

Murmurs sweep over the crowd and Daryl steps forward.

“Crescent Ridge wolves, silence yourselves, your Alphas will speak now.” He booms across the yard and silence descends.

Knox nods at his Beta and steps forward.

“Thank you all for being here tonight. Alpha Xander and I have called you here because we have an important announcement that impacts the entirety of the pack.”

Nervous excitement ripples through the crowd.

Knox turns to me and Xander, reaching out his hand for me to take and he pulls me to stand beside him. Xander steps so we stand side by side. The warmth and power from my males give me the strength to stand straight and proud looking over the heads of the pack.

“May we introduce Ms. Freya Highwater, sister of Alpha Neo Highwater of Crystal Moon. Alpha Xander and I have asked Ms. Highwater to be our Chosen mate, our Luna, and we are proud to announce that she has accepted our offer.”

The crowd erupts in a mixture of shocked gasps, happy cheers, and from one elderly wolf closest to the front a disgusted gasp.

“How can you take a claimed she-wolf as our Luna? She belongs to another!” The elderly male vocalizes loud enough to silence the pack with shock. I feel the old wolf’s gaze raking me over his judgment clear. I’m not worthy of his Alphas.

Xander growls at the old wolf who tilts his head in submission at his Alpha’s displeasure.

“You are right Carson. Our Chosen has been claimed by her former mate. Her former mate, Alpha Gage of River Run, rejected her six years ago. A rejection she accepted. He only days ago re-made his claim on her after she had already accepted our offer. After she had accepted us as her mates, accepted you as her pack.”

Xander pauses looking at me. I nod despite the gripping fear inside me. Knox squeezes my hand giving me his strength.

“He made his claim against her will to break the claim we had already made.”

Indignation, anger, and shock engulf the air as six hundred wolves feel the insult, the attack on the pack as if it was them who experienced what I went through. I try not to but the shame of having the entire pack know what happened to me is overwhelming. I know I have nothing to be ashamed about but I can’t help the festering feeling.

Daryl and Alec growl again and the pack settles for Knox to speak.

“Alpha Gage of River Run violated our mate, your Luna, and we will not leave his disrespect unanswered.”

A chorus of angry roars fills the air. It crackles and I taste rage in the air. Rage and the desire for vengeance.

“Crescent Ridge wolves. We will not let Alpha Gage take what is not his. His insult will not go unanswered. We will wage war on River Run and will not cease until Alpha Gage’s heart falls at the feet of our Luna.”

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 3: CHOSENWhere stories live. Discover now