10. My wolves

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Oh my goddess. What on earth did I just do?

Never in my life have I felt pure, possessive jealousy ripping through me as it did the moment I saw red.

A she-wolf in a red dress.

That same she-wolf Xander fucked in the elevator.

The one he said he was not with anymore.

One moment I was standing with Jake, talking to a delightful couple, the next I looked up and there she was pawing at Xander.

I could not contain Hela when she reacted to the intense and surprising feelings surging inside me. In that instant I let Hela take me, pushing me across the room.

Rage filled me as I watched the she-wolf touch Xander, her eyes full of lust for my wolf.

My wolf.

Hela made it loud and clear her thoughts about Xander as she urged me across the room. Xander was hers to claim, to take what he had offered.

In that moment I felt like I could actually sink my teeth into the she-wolfs jugular and watch her bleed on the floor. I finally understood the bloodthirsty, murdeous rage that had made my sister Eva kill two she-wolves for Dante.

Thank goddess all Hela did was threaten her but I know she would have attacked if the bitch hadn’t backed off.

Then I claimed them. Holy fuck I claimed Xander and Knox Bane and they accepted me. They accepted my claim - one I had no right to make, a claim I didn’t intend to make. What the fuck am I going to do?

“Freya!” Jake snaps at me pulling me to my senses. “What is going on?” he repeats looking at me and over my shoulder to where Xander and Knox now stand close behind me.

“I need to go home Jake.” I step toward him only to be pulled back. Knox grasps my elbow holding me against his hard chest.

“We will take you home.” he says firmly. I look up at him but his gaze is focused on Jake who cracks his neck with a warning.

“Alpha Bane, I have no wish to cause a problem here, but Miss. Highwater is my charge. She leaves with me or we will have a problem.”

Xander chuckles stepping forward around me and Knox. He looks down at Jake, his hands in his pockets effecting a casual stance completely at odds with the feral aggression rolling off him

“Epsilon. I will eat your heart for breakfast. I suggest you move out of our fucking way. If Freya wants to go home, we will take her home.”

Goddess these damn over-sexed wolves. I push my internal panic and focus on subduing possible carnage. I know Jake will not back down. He’s trained to fight to the death, something I know he would not hesitate to do if I don’t intervene.

“Xander, Jake, stop. This is unnecessary.” I look at Jake.

“I’m fine. Knox and Xander will take me home. I’ll talk to you later.”

Jake’s eyes widen with surprise.

He tries to link me but I block him out, pulling myself out of Knox’s grip, pushing past Jake I launch myself through the crowd desperate for escape from the madness of this evening.

Multitudes of eyes follow me and I have no doubt I’m going to be the gossip of the city tomorrow. Fuck. I’m so angry with myself.

I feel Knox and Xander following close behind, then Knox strides past me, getting to the main ballroom door before I do to push it open.

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