34. Tattoos

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“It’s almost done, Angel.” I whisper to Freya.

She lays in only pale green lace panties on the bed. I sit up to stretch the knot in my back and to give her a respite from the pain.

“How are you doing love?” Knox asks for the hundredth time tonight.

She smiles weakly at him.

“It hurts but I’m okay.”

“You’re doing amazing. I’ve finished the first side I’ll start on the next side shortly.”

She looks up at me with tired, pain-filled eyes. She’s been a perfect angel. Three hours of stinging pain she’s soldiered through so far. One hour for each wrist and one for her collar bones. I’d never been more nervous and excited to tattoo anyone before. She still has another hour to go before I’m done. I just hate seeing her in pain but I’m doing the best I can.

My Angel is a beauty. The dark bands around her wrist contrasting with her pale skin have already healed. She uses the respite to examine her wristband tattoos.

‘X’ fills the moon of her right wrist and ‘K’ fills her left. We ended up tossing a coin since we couldn’t agree on who got on which side. Freya thought it was hilarious.

I settle down again next to the bed getting ready to begin the final part of the winged tattoo swirling under her collarbones.

I’ve adjusted the pattern to make it thinner and a bit more feminine, but kept the design matching mine and Knox’s.

It’s been so fucking hard to concentrate on her collar when her perfect rose areolas and hard little nipples keep pointing at me.

She closes her eyes as the gun buzzes to life again and Knox groans faintly.

He hates her pain as much as I do.

A bead of tears seeps from her tired eyes as the needle penetrates her skin.

“Relax, breathe love.” Knox coos in her ear.

She flicks open her eyes angrily at Knox.

“How about you distract me from the pain, instead of whispering sweet nothings all night.”

I almost laugh at Knox who glares at me. I’m causing the pain and he’s getting the brunt of her anger.

Fuck I suddenly have an image of her giving birth to our pup. Is she going to be just like this?

Probably worse. Knox remarks dryly down the link picking up my thoughts easily.

He looks at Freya with a smirk.

“Keep still love and don’t move.” He grunts moving down the bed.

“What are you doing?” Freya asks through gritted teeth.

“Distracting you.”

I glance briefly and smile as he settles between her thighs. I lift off the needle as he bends her legs over his shoulder kissing her inner thighs. He pulls her panties to the side and her sweet scent fills the room.

“Knox.” She whispers.

I lean back over her.

“Keep absolutely still Angel, and enjoy the ride.” I kiss her parted excited lips once and focus back on filling in the tattoo.

Take your time brother. I link Knox with a smile.

Over the sounds of the penetrating gun, Freya’s breath hitches, and pants as Knox eats her out.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 3: CHOSENWhere stories live. Discover now