12. Ruined

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Knox growls with approval.

"Come." He whispers pulling me gently into his lap, and kissing the top of my head.

Xander purrs excitedly, as he slides onto his knees before us. I watch with bated breath as he cups the undersides of my knees lifting them over Knox's powerful thighs, sliding between the space created.

Knox kisses the side of my neck as Xander slides his hands over my thighs making my core clench hard.

"I have every intention of ruining you for anyone else Angel. You are ours."

He grasps my chin holding me in place as he claims my lips with his own. I taste his power and hunger as his lips move over mine.

Knox groans into my neck as Xander's tongue broaches for entrance which I am unable to deny.

I've never been kissed before and Xander's skill overpowers me, his tongue wreaking havoc on my mouth with a ferocity that takes my breath away.

I gasp as Knox's hand cups a swollen sensitive breast while the other trails down my abdomen to trace the edge of my thong.

Between Xander's kiss and the anticipation of Knox's wandering fingers, I can barely breathe. I shiver as Knox edges his fingers over the front of my panties rubbing me gently.

"So wet for us baby, you've ruined this." Knox smiles as he runs a sharp claw along the edge of the lace.

It falls away as he slices through the fabric at my hip and cool air meets my hot moist core. I blush at the evidence of just how aroused I am by Knox and Xander. The hot wet scent wafts upward and around us making them groan in my ear. The rumble of their pleasure heightens my own.

Xander lets me up for air to breathe in the thick moist scent. I gasp, my head falling back against Knox's shoulder as his finger slides down my slit, circling my dripping entrance and coming back up to circle my clit.

I bite my lip holding back a moan.

Xander tugs my lip from my mouth and my eyes fly to his. His pupils are blown, his hazel eyes rimmed with gold, his wolf surfacing being called by the heat of my lust.

"I want to hear every sound you make Angel. Your pleasure, your pain, hold nothing back." He demands and his hand runs over my trembling thigh joining Knox's at my core.

Together their fingers search the most intimate and secret part of me. Spreading me open, exploring every crease and crevice. The moan I was holding back bursts from my throat as Knox slips a thick calloused finger into me.

"Mmm, sing for us, little warrior," Knox croons.

I gasp as he slides it in and out with slow deliberateness. I feel Xander circling the same opening, testing my moistness. The anticipation of what he intends to do makes me stiffen.

"Relax Angel. You need this if you're going to take Knox's cock. He's fucking bursting for you, aren't you brother."

Knox growls his agreement into the back of my neck, tweaking my nipples in rhythm with his slow pumping finger. He presses his hips up into my ass and I feel exactly what Xander means. Knox's thick hard cock imprints into my flesh.

Knox's finger stills its movement, buried inside me as Xander's finger joins his, sliding into the tight wet space.

"Fuck," I gasp at the sweet stretch, a sensation unbelievably erotic filling me as they move together again, slowly pumping and curling inside me.

"Do you like this Angel? Knox and I fingering you together?" I moan my pleasure, unable to form words, my eyes closed as I revel in the pleasure, my hips moving unrestrained to meet their palms.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 3: CHOSENWhere stories live. Discover now