11. Worthy

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I gasp as Xander runs a hand up my waist cupping a tender breast and squeezing it hard through the fabric of my dress.

The image he plants in my mind of what he and Knox plan for me makes me breathless with anticipation. In response to the illicitness, my panties soak as I pool between my legs.

Suddenly the elevator doors fling open and Knox sweeps me into his arms stepping out onto the penthouse floor. I hold on surprised as he nuzzles into my neck drawing my scent.

Instead of turning down the hall toward my apartment as I expected, we turn the opposite direction.

"Where are we going?" I ask confused.

"Hey neighbor," Xander smirks as we reach a door identical to mine.

"You live here too?" I ask surprised.

"You chose my lair to live in Angel," he chuckles as he opens the door leading us into the apartment which is identical in layout to mine.

Xander doesn't bother with lights. The glow of the city illuminates the apartment through the wall of windows.

I barely get a chance to look around. Knox carries me directly down the hall to the master bedroom.

My heart thuds as anticipation and reality of what I'm doing sink in.

Behind us, I hear clothing drop to the floor, the sound of a zip being undone hitting my ears like a screeching freight train.

Knox sets me down to stand beside the edge of the bed. Moving behind me my view of Xander opens up and my mouth drops open.

Naked except for tight boxer briefs barely containing his large straining erection, Xander is a marvel of muscular beauty, unlike anything I've ever seen before.

A wide black ink tattoo runs following the shape of his collar bones. Its dark swirls match the thick dark bands on his wrists.

Every inch of him is chiseled perfection. I choke on a whimper as my eyes trail the defined vee disappearing into his briefs to the large swelling below.

He smirks brushing my flushed and heated cheek.

"Look all you want, Angel, it's all for you."

So focused am I on devouring every inch of skin and sinew Xander offers my eyes, I barely note Knox unzipping my dress until it falls at my feet in a pile of heavy fabric.

I rush to cover my breasts, blushing furiously as I stand between them naked except for a white scrap of lace thong.

Knox grabs my wrists holding them firmly at my side so Xander can see me in full. He kisses my bare shoulder.

"No hiding Freya, you're beautiful, don't be ashamed of it."

Xander closes the distance between us, his knuckles running down the edge of my breast, my nipples pucker in reaction to his touch.

"It's a fucking crime to clothe this body." He growls.

Knox lets my wrists go. Partially in defense, partially in an irresistible need to touch his skin, my palms find home on Xander's chest.

His heart thuds beneath my palms matching the thundering of my own. It gives me some comfort and confidence knowing this beast of a man feels as excited as I do.

Xander looks over my shoulder at Knox. Something passes between them as they link each other. Annoyed I tap Xander's chest drawing his eyes back to me.

"Don't do that. Don't talk to each other like I'm not here." I grumble looking up into his darkened hazel eyes.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 3: CHOSENWhere stories live. Discover now