19. Crescent Ridge

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If it's possible to fall in love with yet another building I have.

The Crescent Ridge pack house is a stunning federation-style mansion that makes me feel like I have stepped back in time. Surrounded by graceful weeping willows and blooming flower beds, its picturesque quality takes my breath away.

"Oh, my Goddess this is beautiful!" I gush as Knox takes my hand leading me up a long winding path to the pack house. Xander grasps my other while Javier follows behind with my bag. I feel a little bit like a child between Xander and Knox and somewhat uneasy as a few of their pack who are walking around stop and stare blatantly at us.

Xander and Knox ignore them walking on.

"It is beautiful. Built by the same great-grandfather who almost ruined the pack. Xander gets his eye for design from him - and a few of his bad habits." Knox adds cheekily.

I look at Xander who glares at Knox.

"Gambling or women or both?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Not gambling and there is no one else but you my Angel." He replies diplomatically. I can feel Knox chuckling next to me.

"Did you design Bane Tower?" I ask my curiosity piqued.

Xander looks down at me with pride.

"Mostly yes. Knox led the build though." He adds graciously.

"I love it. It's why I decided to stay in the City." I admit.

Knox stops our walk. Staring down at me seriously.

"Tell me right now you don't feel like this was meant to be."

I feel a strange emotion choking me as I stare back at the intense wolf looking at me like I am everything in the world.

My heart leaps in my chest with feelings I can't deny.

"It feels right," I say and he squeezes my hand.

"We've never brought a female home Freya so you should know the pack is going to assume correctly why you are here," Xander says.

I kind of feel maybe we should have had this discussion before we got here but it's not like I didn't really know.

"I know Xander. It's kind of obvious the way I smell these days." He smiles that cocky smirk that always gets me, squeezing my hand he tugs us along to the porch.

Knox pushes the door open and I'm bombarded by a noise level that would rival a school cafeteria.

About twenty teen wolves are frolicking in a massive lounge. They crowd around multi players in front of the biggest TV screen I've ever seen playing an intense Call of Duty battle.

"Hey keep it down!" A voice booms across the living room as a large beefy Beta strides down the hall.

"Sorry Beta Daryl!" The teens chime and resume their games only a tad quieter. Quite a few notice me between Xander and Knox and a few mind links later silence descends and all interest in the game is lost as they stare at us.

"Aren't you kids supposed to be in school?" Knox asks glancing across his pack of teens.

A handsome wolf holding a game console speaks up. "Hey, Alpha, its a student-free day." His eyes look me over with interest and Xander growls low tugging me toward the grinning Beta.

"Okay, just keep the noise level down," Knox adds with a nod.

The large beta smiles as he approaches.

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