13. Mistakes

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I have no idea what time it is when I wake up but from the dark sky outside, the stars shining through the wall of glass, it's late.

Spooned between Xander and Knox I raise myself up, my heart beating hard.

"Angel?" Xander murmurs sleepily.

"I um, need to use the bathroom," I mumble blushing as my eyes roam his bare muscular back, images of him and Knox bursting into my mind.

Knox rolls to one side not waking at all while Xander raises his arm off my hip to let me up.

With a sigh of relief, I dash to the bathroom picking up Knox's discarded shirt along the way.

I barely recognize myself in the bathroom mirror. My make-up is ruined, my hair a tangled nest with pins stabbing my scalp, my lips swollen, and my pale skin a map of faint fingerprint-shaped bruises on my hips and thighs. Love bites litter my breasts and neck, a particularly large purple one I vaguely recall Knox giving me swells parallel to my chin. I look thoroughly fucked.

There's a soreness between my legs and I'm shocked to find streaks of blood as I clean myself quickly. Evidence that despite Knox having already cleaned me and the super healing I have. My pussy was well and truly demolished.

I stare at my reflection in the large mirror, feeling shame wash over me. In the stark bathroom light, panic grips me. What the hell did I just do? I fucked two wolves. Not one. Two.

I can hardly think. I slip on Knox's shirt, almost moaning as his scent washes over me. I need to get out of here and think.

Quietly opening the bathroom door I spot my clutch on the floor and pick it up, tiptoeing swiftly out of the bedroom. My heart thuds as I glance at the two naked men in the bed where I just lost my virginity.

"Freya?" I hear Knox call groggily. On shaky legs I rush down the hall, bursting out of the apartment as I hear my name being called again.

Racing down the hall toward my apartment I pull my keys from my clutch and fumble the door open, just as I hear a growl down the hall.

I gasp as Jake grabs my elbow yanking me into my apartment the moment the door flings open, I slam and lock it behind me panicking.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick! Oh-my-fucking-goddess what happened to you? Where are your clothes?"

Jake stands over me, fear and concern filling his handsome face as he takes in my near-naked bedraggled state.

"Shit Freya, what the fuck did they do to you?"

I don't even have time to answer. Loud, angry pounding on my door reverberates through the apartment.

"Freya open the fucking door!" Knox shouts pounding again.

Anger crosses Jake's eyes as he slips into protector mode.

I grab his elbow trying to hold him back as he storms angrily toward the door.

"No, Jake, it's not what you think!" I try to warn him but he has taken one look at my panicked state and jumped to the wrong conclusion.

He flings the door open just as Knox slams a shoulder into it, crashing the door into Jake's face. Jake flies backward against the wall clutching his face.

"Fuck!" Jake cries.

Knox casts an angry glare at Jake before stepping past him. Shirtless in sweatpants his massive chest heaving, he beelines to me, his eyes dark and worried.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 3: CHOSENWhere stories live. Discover now