9. Freya's Claim

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“Why would you just let her go?” I scowl at Knox in disbelief as Freya leaves us standing in the chill night air on the balcony.

He scowls back at me.

“Because she’s overwhelmed and confused. No thanks to you. You’re coming on too strong. Give her some damn space.”

I scoff running my hands in frustration through my hair.

“Too strong? Are you actually giving me advice on how to pursue women? You, the almost thirty-year-old virgin.”

He growls a warning stepping toward me.

“Just remember she chose my arms over yours specifically because of that. If you want her, we do things my way.”

I step back with a smile having finally achieved what I wanted all along.

I’ve pissed Knox off enough for the night and I don’t relish a fight. The last one we had trashed an entire floor at Bane Tower and cost a fucking mint to fix.

“So you changed your mind? Are you willing to make a claim?”

I watch as several emotions flit across his face before he schools them, but he can’t hide his heightened emotions surging through our bond.

He looks up at the sky his hands deep in his pockets.

“She made it clear she holds no hope in Gage, her acceptance of his rejection is absolute, that makes her free for us to make a claim, but I told you already she has to be the one to come to us. I won’t have you seducing her and using sex to influence her decision.”

I roll my eyes, fuck Knox can be such a prude.

“How the fuck do you think the mate bond works? Mated and marked in minutes of meeting brother. Sex rules the bond. You know she is attracted to us both, you can smell how wet her panties are. Do you know what she said when I told her I would kill any male she looked at tonight? She asked if I’d kill you!” I press my finger into his jacket lapel.

Knox looks at me in surprise.

“Yeah, idiot. She thought of you first.” I send an image of Freya in his arms down our bond. Knox growls low in approval.

“She looked perfect in your arms. Like she was made to be there.”

I could barely breathe seeing her in that silvery formfitting dress, held against the black backdrop of Knox’s suit looking like the angel she is. I had a perfect view of what she would look like when I hold her.

Knox breathes sharply as the image replays through our link.

“Fuck, Xander, I get it.” He growls in frustration.

He leans on the balcony rail beside me. Her sweet, arousal tinged scent still lingers in the air and holds us here even when we have a ballroom full of guests who want our attention.

Knox growls suddenly, standing straight. One look and I know. He’s made a decision. I wait on tenterhooks.

“Is this what you want Xander? Because if I do this there is no going back. I will not play her and I will not let you either, you decide here and now and be certain.”

I place a firm hand on his shoulder, eye to eye I open our bond so he feels the full effect of my feelings.

“She’s the one Knox. I am certain. Pollux is certain.”

Knox nods, his face steel, but his emotions, heightened by the taste of the beginning of the hunt, scorches our bond.

“Link every Epsilon in the room, she does not leave tonight without us. Get Alec to keep her Epsilon busy and I’ll send word out to the City guards. Freya Highwater is off-limits and under our protection. I want her every move reported back, and goddess help anyone who touches her.”

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 3: CHOSENWhere stories live. Discover now