09: pick up the sword

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"Well color me surprised," was the first thing Zeila said after seeing her bike parked right where she had taken it from yesterday. "You even brought the helmet back?" She asked him, finally able to relax herself knowing no harm was done to her ride.

"I told you," Taehyung said, catching the helmet Zeila threw towards him, "magic never forgets."

Zeila got on her bike, looking at Taehyung who stared at his helmet. "Oh god-"

"Hey Zeila," Taehyung started off, but she didn't let him ask another question. Instead she got off her bike, marched straight ahead and took the helmet from his hand. She then slid it over his head, ignoring the squeal he let out when it scratched his ear mildly, and looked at him like she would look at a kid.

"It's to protect your head," she said, taking a moment to think of a better word. "like an armor for your face."

"I was just looking at the design inside," Taehyung murmured, silently following Zeila and finding his seat behind her, "of course I know what a helmet is."

The entire ride to her university had marveled Taehyung to the point where he kept quiet. He wondered how everything worked so seamlessly without magic, although he did notice the discrepancies around. Whenever he did try to make a conversation Zeila would accelerate her bike resulting in his question dissolving into screams.

"How was it?" Zeila asked with the malicious grin on her face knowing what she did. Taehyung leaned towards her bike, looking down as he was supporting himself after the near-death experience he had trusting Zeila.

"You," Taehyung said gesturing towards her while still facing the ground, "are one crazy woman." He would have said more had it been under circumstances where he did not feel the need to churn his guts out.

"Thank you Taehyung," Zeila told him, placing the helmets on the bike. "Class starts in twenty minutes," she informed him when he finally stood up, cracking his back a little and finishing his stretches off when he relaxed his arms.

"So no one will find this strange right?" She asked him. Taehyung took a look at himself, dressed in what Zeila told was her brothers clothes - which somehow fit him perfectly - and a sword shrinked to what would look like a pendant hanging around his waist, with his rouch dangling on the other side (which wouldn't be visible to the eyes of mortals), Taehyung felt confident to answer her.

"No, I look perfectly dashing," he replied with a beam of confidence.

Zeila grunted, turning over with a look of disgust.

As they walked over to her class in silence Zeila felt something different. She began feeling like a stranger under her own skin. As though she was living a lie, a staged dream every time she turned to look at Kim Taehyung walking beside her, greeting everyone and everyone greeting him back.

"Hey Zeila, are your classes always this big?" He asked her. Deja vu? Or was this Taehyung filling in the void, the path that would have continued if her Taehyung had still been alive. It was exactly what would have happened, a striking resemblance to the life her Taehyung spoke about with her.

Zeila felt it again. This time with a cloud of doubt looming over her, more intense than ever. She felt it curl around her chest, weighing down on her. But what was it. What was she feeling to such heights that she muffled everything around her. She kept asking herself this.

"Zeila," Taehyung called out, this time worry plastered over him. Seeing that she was just clutching the strap of her bag and gritting her teeth without moving at all, he wondered why she had zoned out. "Zeila!" He screamed into her ears.

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