12 : Magic is confusing

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Zeila had never spent a Sunday early enough to see the sun rise. 

So when Taehyung woke her up to see the stars still hanging in the sky she did not hesitate to get back to bed, paying no heed to him. The noise Taehyung emanated had immediately been muffled by the silence of sleep that overtook her when she sank into the bed. 

Taehyung sighed. "You're supposed to be up by now." 

Seeing as to how she was sound asleep by then, he decided to give it another try. Taehyung took his ring from the rouch around his waist and slid it into his finger. Then he began dusting off his shirt and straightening his jeans before he woke Zeila again. "There's a world you need to save," he reminded her, pulling the blanket resulting in a notorious tug of war with a dozy guardian. 

"I'll save it tomorrow," Zeila groaned, not resisting her eyelids closing down on her sight. But her grip on her blanket only grew stronger, despite all that, and this put a smile on his face. He then let the idea of trying to bargain with her, having something better in mind. 

Taehyung took a minute to dig into his rouch to take a teleporting-paper. He set it on the floor, using his ring to propel magic into it and watched a door rise from it. He then envisioned the location that should be there when the door would open. 

"Should have woken up!" He exclaimed, stirring her awake. A second was all Zeila had to catch hold her breath. Taehyung swiftly rolled her into a burrito, ignoring her when she broke from her daze and began wriggling under him. He lifted her like she was made of feathers and gently placed her across his shoulders. 

"I need sleep!" Zeila whined into his ears. She soon surrendered, knowing she wouldn't be able to do anything with her arms tucked in and her entire body hanging from his shoulders. 

"You're lighter than I imagined you to be," Taehyung commented as he carried Zeila across the door. 

"Cause you're stronger than you should be," Zeila retorted, still hanging across his shoulders when the black of her room gave way to the fresh scent of the forest (where they had come for training, earlier) as he walked into the door that soon disappeared. The bridge that they used to cross was now lopsided from her view and the sky, a canvas of blue with narrowed bands of orange, took the place of the river. 

When she felt herself being lifted in the air, she squealed. "Don't you dare drop me Taehyung!" 

"That's a good idea," he joshed. Zeila could already sense the smirk crossing his face when he proceeded to go against her warning and drop her from the front. And she did, however, catch a glimpse of his smile when he caught her, still rolled in the blanket, moments before she hit the ground. 

"Now you won't feel sleepy anymore," he justified, letting her unroll herself from the blanket and stand next to him. He did offer his assistance but she repelled him with her frown, a clear warning that she would indulge in violence once she freed herself from the mess he rolled her into. 

"Why are we here in the morning," Zeila groaned, fighting the sleep trying to maul her eyes. "Even the sun is not up!" 

"Death does not see time, Zeila," he reminded her, taking another piece of paper from his rouch. Zeila rolled her eyes at how melodramatic he could get.

She watched him carefully, however. Every other time she had been taken aback by something she had never seen before and it was only now, only a few days after letting the reality sink in her that she began observing what was truly in front of her. 

"How big is your rouch even?" Zeila asked, examining the piece of paper he handed over to her. "And why do you always have this?" 

"I have no idea either, it just keeps growing," he replied, tapping his rouch in a consoling manner. He took the paper from Zeila, showing her the symbol engraved on it. "This is a real time saver. Push magic into it and it opens a door to wherever you want." 

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