05: the beggining

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MAYBE it would have hurt less if she would have been with Hyejin right now.

It would not have left her chest aching if she knew the truth, if she was wasn't weak to run away from the truth, if she was stronger to accept it.

But the whispers that began when she left—leaving Hyejin alone—had not stopped. It was always this way. One action that entailed a consequence of guilt. Guilt that rippled within her mind, guilt that would leave her physically in pain.

Her heart was crying. Her breathing ragged, struggling to calm down.

The empty streets did not offer her the solace she seeked. The stilness did not let her mourn, neither did it wash away her grievance.

She hurt Hyejin because she was a coward. She was afraid to admit the truth, even more afraid to accept it.

Zeila certainly knew her fate was written to lead her to doom, because Jungkook was the last person she wanted to see right now.

Who was somehow the only person who stood in front of her, shocked to say the least.

She did not look at him, she did not show him she was crying, she did not show him how hurt she was. Instead, she walked past him, pushing him away  in spite when their shoulders brushed off each other.

"Zeila I'm sorry," Jungkook said, halting Zeila by holding on to her wrists.

She dared not to throw him a glance. He was behind her, holding her hands which she pulled away the moment she began to stride off.

I'm sorry. Those were the words that came out of Taehyungs mouth too.

Jungkook willed not to give up. He shuffled on his feet and caught up with Zeila, emerging in front of her. Close enough to block her from walking further and far enough to give her space.

"I'm sorry," he begged her, "Zeila please." He would even kneel down if she had asked him to. It hurt him just as much as it crushed her. Perhaps even more knowing he was just words away the truth dawning.

The pain in his eyes surfaced when she jolted away with a scowl. She spared not a single second of her time to listen to him. Hesitation never stopped her from pushing Jungkook away and marching past him.

"Zeila please give me a chance," Jungkook begged, relentless in his efforts to stop her.

He does not deserve you, not after he left you to ruins.

The voice lanced inside her head. She stopped in her path.

He was never there for you. This is a way for him to rid away his guilt.

"Zee," Jungkook reached out to her again, taking her hands and shelling it within hers, rushing his words before his chance to speak slips. "Please, listen to me just this once. There are many things you do not know. I was not able to come see you after Taehyung—"

"Stop!" She startled Jungkook, jerking her hands away. "Stop this Jungkook!"


"Don't! Don't you ever call me by that name"—she grabbed him by his collar, pulling him closer—"Don't you fucking give me a reason for not being there." When I needed you.

Jungkook was desperate, he knew he deserved what was coming at him, but he knew this wouldn't happen if she just found out what had really happened.

"And don't you ever fucking talk about Taehyung."

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