01: The hang-out

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"Sir, she is ready."

At the sight of fire in his hands, a wicked smile grew steadily on his face. He watched it leap and crackle, hissing in the air. He grinned as the blaze simmered ferociously, caressing it with more energy before it could dissipate.

It was blissful to watch—the way the burning embers branch into tendrils, slithering their way towards the three tied-up men in the centre of the room.

An unencumbered laugh escaped him as the fire circles them, taunting them by offering merciful death over unending suffering. Their screams were music to his ears, a delight he relaxed himself under.

So alluring, the way it rose with the viciousness of a snake, eager as ever to strike its prey. He closed his eyes, letting the image sink in, feeling the power he wrenched from their helpless screams, feeling the satisfaction when their bodies sizzled. Not even sparing their bones as they turned to ashes. He found himself basked in a state of plethora.

Euphoria he found upon painting the room with terror.

"It is time to meet, little one."

C H A P T E R 0 1 

One day Zeila would burn the world.

Until then Zeila would ensure she didn't let loose the reins holding her sanity together. She let the frantic desire to tape her friend shut wash over her mind until she could flush out the noisy ramble clogging her ears. Despite that, she managed to march ahead ignoring Hyejin and focus on the question that's been swarming her mind.

Who is she? 

She tried connecting the dots several times, but however hard Zeila tried, it ultimately ended when Hyejin decided to scream right at her. 

"Oh my god Hyejin!" Zeila bellowed, rubbing her ears fearing her eardrums might have ruptured. "Goodness woman, can you calm yourself down?" 

"No! You haven't answered my question yet and you can't blame me for being excited," Hyejin grumbled, playing with the strings hanging from the straps of her bag. 

"Hyejin, you're excited all the time," Zeila reminded her with a roll of her eyes. Hyejin is the living embodiment of chaos, while she chose to encompass herself around this lively energy, Zeila contradicted her in several aspects, and the most repelling one being her love for the quiet. It wasn't that Zeila was a social introvert who hated the living world, she just didn't have as much energy as Hyejin did and didn't bother too much to care.

"That I would argue with but you haven't answered my question yet." Hyejin looked at Zeila who stared back at her confused. Hyejin frowned in what Zeila assumed to be a blur of disdain and exasperation, but she really couldn't differentiate between the two now that Hyejin was glaring at her. "You weren't listening the entire time were you?" 

Zeila let out an awkward laugh before she proceeded to reply, "No. I was thinking about something else." 

Hyejin arched her eyebrows inquisitively and folded her arms. "And what's that wonderful thought of yours madam?" 

A woman. A woman I have no idea about plaguing my mind with the same dream.

Zeila opened her mouth to tell Hyejin, but she closed it back knowing Hyejin would blame it on the movies. "Nothing too important for you to know, let's talk about something else," Zeila eluded and before Hyejin could pry further she threw a question that made Hyejin beam. 

"What were you asking me Jin?" 

"I thought you'd never ask. Well I was thinking why not go out somewhere?" Hyejin clapped, rejoicing, and making Zeila feign a psychotic smile. 

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