07: the truth told

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Zeila strided back and forth. 

"It's nothing Zeila," Taehyung murmured groggily in a futile attempt to calm her down despite his present condition, where he lied down on her bed unable to move a limb without a groan.

"Nothing! Then were you pretending to be dead to give me a jumpscare." She besieged, pulling out the stool next to her and taking a moment to recollect herself so she wouldn't berate him further.

"I just need some time to heal myself," He spoke between coughs which made him clutch his chest. He flashed a smile, that stretched to his ears at Zeila, seeing her sitting there transfixed and throwing daggers with her eyes.

"And you're going to magically heal right?" She asked him ironically, rolling her eyes in disbelief, to which (unsurprisingly) he agreed with a silent nod.

"Magic heals faster than time," he replied making an attempt to sit with his back against the bed. Zeila fiddled the hem of her shirt reaching out her hand to offer him assistance. However he refused her help as he showed her he was perfectly alright on his own, albeit the grunt he couldn't bite down; at which Zeila frowned.

"And yet your magic failed you out there!" She seemed more daunting the further she spoke. Taehyung couldn't figure if it was worry that pushed her to this or if it was the simple fact that she had felt responsible in a way because of his stark resemblance to someone she held dear.

"That's because there's a limit to which I can use magic. With my connection cut from the magic council back in our world there's very little I can use," he explained.

"And that's the reason I'm here, because the magic in our kingdom is fading every second as we speak," He told her with a serious undertone. But that was just the beggining to what he was about to unfold.

"And again this draws back to me because . . ."

"You are the last guardian who will bring back the magic we lost," he said with a confidence that tensed Zeila.

Zeila rubbed the nape of her forehead, "I need you to make it very clear as to how I am going to help you." She straightened her posture, leaning forward with her hands supporting her chin and her legs crossed against one another.

"From the beggining?" Taehyung asked.

"From the beggining it is."

Taehyung relaxed his shoulders and leaned further back with relief, knowing this time he would have her complete attention. "Let me start from the very first day the world had come to existence."

"There were legends that the moon godess had created two worlds to exile herself from the loneliness of having one—"

"That makes no sen—" Zeila was stopped by the glower Taehyung fired at her.

"Yes, and because she created two worlds with humans each living on their own, she created the guardian, two keep the connection between the worlds alive." Taehyung pushed further, feeling at ease having noted Zeila had not rolled her eyes yet.

"And so for generations to come, the guardian had lived in synchrony with the power of the godess, keeping the magic between the two worlds alive." Taehyung paused, perhaps with the notion of emphasizing what he was about the say.

"Magic which was the very essence of life. Until the fifth rule of the queen, where the only guardian was killed by her own blood and the next one—"

"Sent away to earth." Zeila finished in his stead, being able to connect the pieces together. She felt the hollowness clutch her chest like she had felt the sorrow of losing the other guardian, as though a part of her had broken apart.

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