08: the truth told II

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Taehyung strided back and forth.

"Taehyung," Zeila called out, shaking her head in disbelief.

"You have to understand what we're about to face would be catastrophe made worse. Ji-wook is madness itself, he walks on the blood of those he kills for the pleasure of it," Taehyung rambles without altering his trajectory, walking back and forth.

"Taehyung," Zeila groaned this time, rubbing her forehead.

"He will bring an end to everything around us and we would never find him, that's why you have to be safe. You don't understand how serious this is Zeila, it's your life on the line-"

"Taehyung!" She yelled, stopping him and his words. "I'm the one dying here?" She told him, "remember? Me, Taehyung. I look unfazed because none of this feels real."

Zeila looked at him folding his arms. "Not yet atleast," she said, finishing off hoping Taehyung would calm down by now.

"Take a seat." Zeila pointed towards the idle chair in the corner of the room.

Taehyung did as he was told, not wasting a minute to drag the stool towards Zeila and sitting down to face her.

"And stop doing that," Zeila warned, annoyed.

"Doing what?" Taehyung was clueless but he still continued unaware.

"That." Zeila pointed to his jittering legs that were, almost, shaking the floor. "Stop it, I can feel your anxiety," she told him, knowing very well how hypocritical she sounded. But she did not show hers out, atleast not enough for Taehyung to pick up on it.

"I'm just being cautious," Taehyung retorted.

"And you will be," she reminded him, "but for that you need to make things clear."

"Alright," Taehyung agreed.

"To start off, you'll be doing what you've done before I came like nothing ever changed, this way the chances of Ji-wook finding you are less," Taehyung said, noticing Zeila contorting her face in confusion.

"I need to go back to college now," she said almost dissappointed. "Not sure which one's gonna kill me first, ha ha."

"You need to. Not that you asked but I'll still tell you why you have to," Taehyung said. It was like he enjoyed telling her this, not so much that he would jump around like a child, but to the point where he did not loathe explaining this to her.

He grabbed the bag he had buckled to his hips, taking out what this time seemed to resemble a ring. "You see Zeila," he started off, closing his eyes and gently waving his hand in tiny circles, "magic is essentially a force that keeps life going."

From his ring sparked a friction of light. "Everyone has magic controlling their fate," he continued, the spark emanating into light that moved liked water on his command, "but not everyone can control it in return."

"And?" Zeila asked, intently looking at whatever Taehyung was doing.

"And your magic is tied to your fate, your life path in a certain way"— He made the light in his hand stretch out to lines flowing either ways—"so when there's a sudden change from what your life was supposed to be even a minute bump—" he paused making waves with his hand and the result following soon.

The light had now come together, making the pattern of a river that had encircled Zeila. He flicked one finger and a stream from the river broke and the light began parting, draining to another side. "—the magic inside you will flow out, to compensate for you changing the path from which you were supposed to go in."

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