11: the last guardian

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Magic had come in many shades. 

The magic Zeila had seen was a ribbon of white, a thread of pearls connected that entailed each other. However, the one that was around them when they walked into the door was a plethora of colors. Like threads of rainbows floating around, dancing in the air with a fervor to be willed, to be chosen and let chose. The magic here had buzzed with life. 

"This place," Zeila said as though framing a question. 

"This is her memory," Taehyung said, walking past the string of magic waving around them. "The memory her magic keeps alive. Magic listens and remembers. Elena made sure her memories were safe in this book where no one could walk into," Taehyung explained, playing with his ring as he faced Zeila. 

The door had not yet disappeared behind them. 

"Except the people, the magic lets inside. And because your magic stems from hers and their two half of a whole, we were shown a way." He let himself waver for a moment when he touched a rope of red, willing it to transform to a miniscule flame that danced on top of his fingertips. 

Zeila who tried to mirror his actions found herself transfixed, sighing in her futile attempt to command the light. They gave way to her touch but shirked after a few seconds, seemingly repelled. Unfair, she thought. 

Taehyung grinned at her. "You'll do it soon." 

"But what I don't understand is how Hyejin managed to get the book," Taehyung told her, sharing his concern and Zeila shrugged without a reply. She had no idea either, truth be told, she didn't know where to begin with this matter. "Is it possible she's hiding something?" Taehyung insinuated. 

"There's no way," Zeila replied without hesitating. Then she took a second to think about what he said, fiddling with the ribbon of light still sulking under her touch. She groaned at the weight of the thought; a year ago she hated Jungkook, then she found out he risked his life for her. What are the chances that Hyejin wasn't doing the same. 

"No way," Zeila muttered in disbelief. 

"We will talk to her," Taehyung said, gesturing to her to follow him, leaving behind their discussion so they wouldn't get distracted. Zeila walked into this without knowing what to expect but Taehyung had a clear idea on what they had to do. 

"They will guide us to the magic source, where her memories will be alive," he told her, waving his hand around, pulling onto the strings of light until they all entwined together, becoming a cloud floating on his palm. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in. 

Then he pushed the cloud. Zeila watched it rise above them, bursting as soon as it stopped. Then it scattered away into the threads they were before, clustering and dashing ahead in one direction. It flowed like a river, with a mind of its own, and that didn't surprise Zeila knowing what magic could do; what it would do. 

"Come on," Taehyung said, holding out his hand for her. Zeila hesitated but decided against it and took his hand. He led her into the heart of the forest. "Your dream," he starts off as they walk past trees, all the same kind, all identical and tall. "Is this what you see?" 

"Yeah," Zeila replied, taking in the scenery yet again. No matter how many times she found herself here (dreaming) she could never truly engrave the essence of this place. "The trees, I see them all the time. It was always the same, I never got far in this place." 

The magic had stopped, bending towards Taehyung and Zeila. It hummed around them for a while until it dispersed, disappearing to where it had been, leaving only a thread curling around Taehyung's arm. He turned to look at Zeila. "We're near." 

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