𒊹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𒊹

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Nataliya stood in the bare room opposite the other girl. She hated doing this but it was slowly becoming less and less difficult to watch her own hands suck the life out of another girl. Unfortunately this girl thought she had a chance, she thought she could win the right to survive but she couldn't.

"Begin" the singular word out of Madame B's mouth unleashed a frenzy within the other girl and she ran full pelt at Taliya. Of course she blocked the girl's attack and swung her own hit at the other girl. Several groans and grunts escaped the girl's mouths as they threw each other around the room in a fight for their lives. Literally. It didn't take long though for the other girl to end up pinned against the floor wriggling under Nataliya's grip. She tried desperately to free herself from Taliya's grip but it was no use. Nataliya was stronger and significantly more capable. Most of the girls that fought Nataliya knew they didn't stand a chance and often gave up quickly but this girl wasn't giving up so soon. For some unexplained reason she wanted to survive and continue her life of miserable hell that she would be subjected to live in instead of opting for the freedom of death that Nataliya could give her.

Nataliya looked up at Madame B who was stood in the corner of the room watching as she held the other girl pinned underneath her. With a small nod of approval from Madame B, Nataliya turned her attention back to the girl who was still trying to fight against her grip. And without a second thought about it Nataliya wrapped her arm tighter around the girl's neck and watched as she struggled to breathe. Slowly the girl began to stop fighting and after a moment her body was still and her chest stopped rising underneath Nataliya. Then when Nataliya let go and stood up the girl still didn't move.

She looked to Madame B, completely unfazed by the fact she had just killed another girl her own age. On the inside it hurt but she couldn't show it. Showing that it effected her would be a weakness and she couldn't be weak. Nonetheless Nataliya was becoming the killer her mother hoped she wouldn't. It was too late.

Madame B smirked smugly at Nataliya as she stood looking at her. "otlichnaya rabota" Madame B praised the young girl for what she'd just done. It was impressive how efficiently Nataliya was able to take out an opponent. The skill, accuracy and speed she had was way beyond her years and she was showing signs of becoming a very powerful weapon. Well done.

One of the reasons Nataliya was so good was because she'd been enhanced. Not only did she have a strong genetic advantage given that she was the child of Natalia Romanova and the Winter Soldier but she also carried the super soldier serum which they had continued to enhance using steroids. Due to her father being a super soldier Nataliya carried the serum naturally but the academy decided that wasn't enough.

"Nataliya!" Madame B walked into the dormitory and broke her from her thoughts.

She stood up from her bed and followed Madame B down the hallway. The school was grand looking. The interior was made of woods, marble and tiles. It never felt homely though. The beds were metal framed and the mattress was no more than two inches thick. They were handcuffed to their beds every night to stop them from trying to run away. Not that they'd last very long outside in the cold. It never felt warm ever. Even on the sunny days.

She silently followed Madame B into a small examination room. The doctor who she'd seen a thousand times before but never knew his name stood by the desk in a white lab coat and surgical gloves.

"Natalʹya, vy znayete, chto delatʹ. Ne stoy tam kak idiot" Madame B sighed as the red haired girl stared out at nothing. Nataliya you know what to do. Don't stand there like an idiot

Every week she was weighed and measured and sometime the doctor would take her blood or give her an injection. Nataliya used to fight against being prodded and poked but she gave up. It was easier to endure the pain than fight it and receive more pain as punishment.

She kicked off her shoes and took her clothes off. The metal weighing scales were cold under her bare feet as she stood watching the dial move from one side to the other. "Podnimite podborodok, rebenok. Vy znayete, kak" Madame B took the girl's face in her hands and tiled it up. "Ty takoy zhe upryamyy, kak tvoya matʹ, inogda" Madame B shook her head as the girl stood silently as the doctor measured her. Lift your chin up child. You know how to stand. You're as stubborn as your mother something.

Nataliya and Madame B never got on. It might of had something to do with the fact that she was her mother's daughter. She had hated Madame B since the day she let her Mama be taken away. She looked so happy and the girl hated her guts from that day onwards.

Due to the constant prodding Nataliya had formed a scar on her upper left arm. The regular injections in the same spot had caused the scar. It was a permanent reminder of much testing and pain the young girl had already been subjected to. Now Taliya didn't even flinch when the doctor... he wasn't really a doctor, he was just a weak man that spent his time poking young girls for the sake of their 'health'. She didn't flinch anymore when a needle was stuck into her skin it happened that often.

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