𒊹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𒊹

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Taliya didn't know where they were going as they drove for hours through the night, not that she cared as long as the woman behind the wheel didn't leave her sight. She wasn't sure when or where but at some point during the drive Taliya had fallen half asleep and when she woke up the car had come to a stop. She would never fall fully asleep though. Not without handcuffs. It was more of a necessity that a comfort to have her wrist tied up above her head with a metal cuff. Besides she had a mission to complete. The asset wasn't quite sure though what was stopping her from getting it over and done with now. What was she waiting for?

They were certainly not in New York that was for sure.

Mexico apparently is the land in which wanted fugitives running from the American government go to hide with their estranged children.

It was dark outside but the headlights from the car lit up the front of the small farm house. They were completely in the middle of nowhere with nothing but farmland and the distant sound of livestock. It was a modest house with two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and living room not that Taliya cared. The part that caught her eye was the strange plane like object parked in one of the far off fields. It was similar to the ones she'd seen the other day in the sky when she was taken from the Red Room.

Natasha turned the car's ignition off and the only light left was the lantern hanging by the front door of the house. She got out of the car and for a split second Taliya panicked until she swiftly realised that her target was still there just outside of the car. The asset existed the the car herself and followed the blonde haired woman up the path to the front of the small farm house.

Taliya watched as Natasha unlocked the front door with ease as if she'd been here before and stepped inside. Turned out Natasha had in fact been there before. It was on the couch of this house that Maria had phoned her less than twelve hours earlier.

The air was thick with tension as the pair stood in the dimly lit hallway.

"Why don't you get some sleep you've had a long day" Natasha said breaking the tension. Nataliya didn't understand why she was using English. She knew the target was Russian so why would she use English? The girl nodded her head in understanding and took herself into one of the bedrooms. Not that she was actually going to sleep. She couldn't even if she wanted to. So instead she lay on the bed atop the covers, still in her school uniform from the Red Room and pretended to be asleep.

Several days ago

Natasha Romanoff : the bane of the Red Room. Everyone wanted her gone. Dead.

After barely surviving the ordeal that Ms Romanoff had caused, Dreykov was out for revenge and Anya was more than willing to comply.

The asset stood in front of the headmistress. Her auburn hair pulled back into two perfectly neat french braids. Her face expressionless. She was the perfect assailant for the job. The child listened silently to her mission instructions.

"ubit' tsel'. Nikakikh svideteley. Ne vozvrashchaytes', poka ne dob'yetes' uspekha." kill the target. No witnesses. Do not return until successful. Anya ordered with a firm tone as she stood over the asset. She felt slightly giddy inside at the thought of this mission and the fact that she was getting to order it was even more rewarding. Karma's a bitch Natalia.

Nataliya's eyes flickered across the file in her hands. A woman with short blonde hair and green eyes, early thirties, athletic build. She looked dubiously like her own mother but of course it wasn't. Her mother had been dead years.

The target didn't have a name or it wasn't relevant to the mission. She was simply known as the Ruby Weapon's target. The asset didn't ask any questions. She wasn't supposed to. Her job was to kill on command no matter what and she was good at her job. Perfect in fact.

Despite barely being alive Dreykov stood in the corner of the room with a smug grin plastered across his face as he twisted the gold ring on his finger. He couldn't wait for the moment Natasha's own daughter killed her. He'd dreamt of this day for years and now it was finally coming true. It was a shame he wouldn't get to see it happen but the thought alone satisfied him. Dreykov could picture the look of horror on the ex agents face whilst she was at the mercy of her own child. How ironic. He watched as the asset left the site to go on her mission. When she returned it would all be over. Years of frustration put to rest.

That was before both he and Anya were killed by US agents when they infiltrated the Red Room and stole the Ruby Weapon of course. Fortunately Nataliya didn't know this information and was still under instructions to complete her mission.

She would not fail and even after death Dreykov would destroy Natasha.

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