𒊹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞𒊹

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After Georgina's death. Murder. Nataliya had become more and more defiant towards Madame B.

There was a cocky side to Nataliya knowing that her mother was the best Black Widow the program had ever seen. Nataliya kept herself going on the hope that one day her Mother might come back and she'd see her again until one day and that all changed.

Nataliya couldn't even remember what they were arguing about anymore once that earth shattered string of words came out Madame B's mouth

"She is dead Nataliya. Get over it..."

Tears streamed down Nataliya's face as the last little twinkle of light at the end of the tunnel faded away. The one thing she held onto had been pulled away from her grasp. Her mother was dead. Gone forever.

She could hear the other girls snickering and giggling as her eyes watered. The others had always been jealous of her for her mother and now they could make fun of her because she was just like them. She had nothing. The only difference was that she had the memories of what she'd lost unlike the others who had no idea. She quickly wiped the water from her face and pretend it didn't matter even if it felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest and torn into tiny little pieces...

She gave up fighting that day. She gave into whatever they had planned for her. She gave up on ever seeing the other side of the tall brick wall that sat on the edge of the school perimeter. She imagined a beautiful city that many of the girls had spoken of. Beyond the fields of snow and trees. Unlike many of the other girls she knew this place was more of a prison than a School. Her Mama tried to teach her right from wrong but eventually the lines blurred and at this point she has hatred towards everything. The way the other girls talked about hope and "going home" was aggravating. Did no one here understand that home doesn't exist anymore! We're all monsters designed to do nothing but kill and hurt. After that moment Nataliya's eyes turned dark and all that was behind them was pure hatred and submission. She had completely given up on everything and didn't care what she did anymore. She had become the monster she feared.

From that day onwards Nataliya began to forget herself. The more she became the Weapon they wanted her to be the more she forgot about the girl she'd started as. Her past and memories began to feel like like a distant fever dream. Vast and faint. Haunting.

She couldn't even remember her papa's face anymore. Only his eyes. He had such beautiful blue eyes.

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