𒊹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧𒊹

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January and the hight of winter in Russia. Nataliya was sat in the classroom when the sound of a low pitched rumbling noise started outside. The room fell silent as everyone listened to the unusual noise. Even the teacher had paused her writing on the chalk board to listen. It got increasingly louder and louder until eventually it was directly overhead. Nataliya could feel the ground moving from the vibrations coming from above. She put her pencil down on the desk and watched closely as it rocked back and forth shaking.

The closer Nataliya listened the more it began to sound like engines and propellers. She watched as the teacher stepped outside the classroom and into the hallway to investigate. Leaving the girls in the classroom alone. After a short while that felt like an eternity the young teacher didn't return. She disappeared. Nataliya could feel in her gut that something was off. If the sound from outside wasn't a good enough give away that something was about to happen Nataliya could feel it. Like an instinct twitching to react. However despite the deafeningly loud noise everything was eerily quiet.

Then there was a loud boom. Everyone flinched at the sound. All the girls knew what it was. A gun shot. Then another. And another. The sound of thudding footsteps followed as Nataliya saw guards rush past the door through the hallway. An instinct kicked in and Nataliya itched to get out and yet she stayed perfectly still in her seat.As the gunshots got louder and the sound of banging could be heard several of the girls began to panic and squeal. The sound of chairs scraping on the floor caused an echoed screeching in the classroom. A group of impatient girls ran out of the classroom and into the hallway. Nataliya followed cautiously. Whatever it was she wasn't staying around to find out. The red haired girl looked down the empty hallway studying it. Then there was a bang from the end of the corridor out of sight. That was enough for Nataliya to react and her feet began to move.

The girls ran in different directions. Chaos was ensuing throughout the building.

Nataliya ran with a small group of girls down one of the hallways. Her heart beating faster and faster as she moved, her feet moving quicker and quicker. So much so she was nearly tripping over as her feet went faster than her body could keep up with. She turned a corner. Never mind there was people there. It took less than a millisecond for Nataliya to realise they weren't Red Room guards. Instead of the speckled white combat uniform Nataliya was used to seeing they were in all black. Dressed in S.W.A.T uniform and holding large firearms.

Nataliya was impeccably capable in combat but she also wasn't stupid. Large guns with perfect accuracy versus a weapon-less individual was no fair match it would be a suicide.

She turned towards a door. They burst through it. Nataliya knew her way around the facility and yet in the panic and chaos of the moment she lost her way. Disoriented. She ended up in a courtyard. Trapped in an enclosed space. Her mind raced in a panic as the snow fell down around her. The fear was too strong for her to notice how cold her body had become from being outside in the Russian winter. She wasn't dressed for the cold in her school shirt and in seconds her body became ice cold even if she didn't notice.

The red haired fourteen year old looked up at the sky as the snow fell in her face. The sound of a helicopter almost deafening her as it appeared overhead. She would never admit it but she was petrified. She clenched her fist ready to put up the fight of her life against the enemy. Despite the terror taking a hold of her body she could still work out they were Americans. They shouted to each other in English with typical US accents and as they drew near Nataliya saw the USA flag on their uniform.

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