𒊹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𒊹

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Eleven years old. That's how old the asset was. Most people couldn't make a kill like that in their life if they tried. Pitting her against an experienced guard who was not only much larger than her but also much stronger should of had an obvious outcome. She was certain to loose. Not even a trained fighter could be sure of beating him and yet they still put her against him.

The guard's large stature toward over Nataliya's small frame. "nachinat'" Madame B ordered. With all her might the child threw herself at the man; taking a blow to the chest when he fought back. Not letting it deter her Nataliya fought relentlessly but no matter how hard she tried the guard overpowered her. The frustration boiled in her blood as it began to drip from her nose. The two of them flipped around on the floor like angry cats. Growling and grunting as they went. Nataliya would never give up. It was what made her stand out from the other girls. They would cut their losses in a fight. Choosing surviving over winning but not Nataliya. She wouldn't show weakness. Fighting to the death every time even if she didn't have to. Begin

Nataliya's breath began to heave as her body repeatedly smacked into the floor. Over and over again. Knocking the wind out of her lungs. She swung her body around the guard and roundhouse kicked him in the jaw. For a moment the guard  stumbled and something washed over the girl. Her eyes went dark and the aching pain from being hit repeatedly disappeared. The human qualities of her body language disappeared and she stood robotic. Her breathing even and controlled.

As the guard came towards the asset again her brain went into slow motion and she reacted with the sharpest precision. The guard threw a punch. She dodged it and threw one back. Connecting her knuckles to his nose.Nataliya's other hand landed on the man's shoulder and she used his size against him and propelled her body under his arm and landed over his shoulder, pulling his weight down on top of her towards the ground. Once he was down she didn't hesitate and grabbed his head in her small hands and twisted harshly, snapping his neck without a second thought.

She was eleven.

The spectators in the room stood silently. Speechless. She'd killed him.

Calm and collected Nataliya stood up releasing her hands from the dead guard's neck. She look up and then stood there staring over his body emotionless. The others in the room looked at each other. Their eyes speaking a thousand words. The girl was a perfect killer. A monster in the eyes of modern society.


The tone Madame B used was blunt and harsh but in the world of the red room that one word was enough. She'd done well and despite the tone Nataliya had been praised. She wouldn't be punished for failing today.

The red haired girl watched as the guards body was dragged out of the room.

Madame B whispered something inaudible to the KGB general next to her and her nodded his head. Nataliya thought she was finished but no. They wanted more.

"snova" again

The guard this time was younger and he didn't look as comfortable and confident as the previous one. Nataliya stood opposite him with the blood still dripping from her nose and knuckles still bruised from the previous fight.

nachinat'" begin

The word registered immediately in Nataliya's head and she pounced on the guard. She was. Ruthless, rabid even as she fought. The guard picked her up, taking advantage of her size and threw her across the room sending her flying into a wall with a thud. The child didn't appreciate it and quickly picked herself up of the floor and ran full pelt at the guard until she was clawing at him like a wild animal, hissing at him as she hit him. Still she was much smaller and she found herself on the floor again quickly. Without a second thought though the asset wrapped herself around the guard's foot and pulled him down, sending his weight crashing to the ground.

On the floor the guard no longer had the advantage of height and Nataliya had more control. As the guard began to stumble to his feet the child swung her leg and took the man out, hitting him in the chest with her knee. She grabbed his shoulders from behind and slammed his head down into the floor almost certainly cracking his skull with the force of the impact. Her opponent was slowing down but Nataliya wasn't. He tried to grab a hold of her but Nataliya skilfully slipped through his grasp.

For a moment the child hesitated, a wavering moment of weakness allowing the man to get to his feet. Unfortunately for him the asset was a trained killer.

No one thought she could do it twice. The first kill was a fluke, complete chance. So when the eleven year old jumped on the guards back and proceeded to snap his neck; killing him instantly no one could quite believe it as they watched the guards body crash to the ground next to the child's feet.

The General certainly made his thoughts know as he gasped with a mixed look of horror and amazement. An eleven year old girl had just killed two grown men. Not any men - two highly trained soldiers. And with bare hands in cold blood.

Nataliya stood in the middle of the room. The blood dripping down her chin from her nose. Her hands were bloody and bruised along with the bruises and cuts on her face and rest of her body. Her nose throbbed in pain along with the rest of her body but she was so used to the pain she was numb. The intense pain dulled down to weak ache across her body. She was no child. She never was, never had, never would be. That wasn't what she was designed to be. She was a weapon, a killer, a monster. No child did what she did.

The innocent had left her the moment she was born. The nightmares her mother had about what monster her daughter might become had become true.

She was eleven and a guard killer. Who could know what she would become in the future if she had already done so much whilst she was still so young.

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