𒊹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𒊹

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Natasha had been on the run for months. It was beginning to become tiring. It wasn't the first time she'd had to spend months, years even in hiding but it didn't make it any less exhausting or lonely. The red head looked at herself in the motel mirror and then at the box of platinum blonde hair dye in her hand. Contemplating her decision.

"Might as well go all out" Natasha thought to herself just before she cut through a piece of her long hair. The auburn coloured hair scattered the bathroom floor and sink once Natasha was finished. Her once long hair now cut into a much shorter bob. It was already a striking change but it wasn't enough. The fugitive tried not to think too much about it as she applied the blonde box dye to her hair. The smell of hair grade ammonia filled her nose as she did it.

There was no going back now. Natasha sat on the motel bed whilst she waited for the hair dye to develop, staring at the bedside alarm clock and watching the minutes tick by.

Eventually it was done and Natasha got out of the shower after washing the leftover hair dye out of her hair. She looked at her reflection whilst she dried her newly blonde hair. At first she wasn't sure what to think of her new look but once it was completely dried and bushed out she came to the conclusion that it wasn't half bad. Different but not bad.

Having destroyed the Red Room, changed her look and her identity all Natasha had left to do was break her friends out of the most high security prison in the world. Should be easy right?

Natasha pulled up to the meeting spot that Mason had sent her. She'd asked him to get her something that would hopefully help her commit a prison break and travel across the world a little easier without being seen. When Natasha got off her motorbike and Mason was waiting for her or rather had fallen asleep on the ground whilst waiting for her.

Natasha kicked him lightly with her boot "You ever not sleep?" She questioned lightheartedly whilst Mason started awake.

"I've been in six different time zones in three days because of you" Mason complained as he stood up. Natasha smiled at his annoyance "oh really?" She teased.

"Yeah" Mason deadpanned as he began walking.

"What are you scrapping together some parts?" Natasha questioned as she followed him "What'd you get me this time, like, an upside-down lawnmower?".

The pair came to a stop and Mason pointed at a very familiar looking object in the distance. Natasha was lost for words. A Quinjet was sat practically waiting for her on the grass. "See what I can get you with a bit of time and money" Mason answered smugly as he watched Natasha's look of surprise.

"Go on, say it. I wanna hear it. It would really be good for me to hear it. Really." Mason rambled slightly cocky.

Natasha nodded her head with a smile "I'm impressed"

"You've always been a really good friend to me." She admitted honestly. She truly did appreciate how much Mason had done for her over the years.

"That's what every man wants to hear" He joked with a grin. "Where you gonna go?" Mason questioned casually.

"It's funny. My whole life, I didn't think I had any family. Turns out I got two, so...One of them's a bit of a mess right now. I'm gonna go breake a few of them out of prison see if I can't help patch things up" Natasha explained with a heavy sigh. And with that she gave Mason a parting smile before walking off towards the Quinjet.


Author's Note

I know this is a short one but it's more of a filler chapter than anything else. It's designed to fill in the blanks in the timeline so everything else makes sense hopefully. The next chapter is longer I promise :)

I'm trying to update consistently but I'm in the middle of doing my exams right now so please bare with me if things seem a little slow. Besides that I hope you enjoy the story and if you have any comments or requests please let me know as I appreciate all feedback.

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