𒊹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𒊹

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The Ruby Weapon Program. A subdivision of the Black Widow program. It's purpose: to create an enhanced version of the best Black Widow the Red Room had ever seen - Natalia Romanova.

When Dreykov found out about the pregnancy he was outraged. She had gone against her orders. They both had. Now they would face the consequences. Without a second thought Dreykov ordered for the pregnancy to be terminated. Then he realised the opportunity he was presented with. The two best assassins in the world had produced an offspring that he could do with as he see fit.

Natalia thought it was a miracle that they were letting her carry the pregnancy, little did she know what they really planned for the child's future.

Dreykov was an evil man. He saw girls as disposable objects he could do with as he pleased. Replaceable chess pieces on his board. He was always playing a tactical game. It was terrifying how little he cared about innocent lives. He was the real monster.

Dreykov watched Nataliya from the shadows — watching her grow and see the experiment he had created working perfectly. She was perfect.

It was when the girl hit puberty that Dreykov's plan kicked up a gear. She wasn't a scrawny little child anymore. The asset was capable of following complex orders and completing different missions. Since the fall of Hydra and the disappearance of the Winter Soldier Nataliya was becoming increasingly more important for the future of the Red Room. The Ruby Weapon would be the new Winter Soldier.

He wouldn't admit it but Dreykov needed this program to work. He had lost his best assets and now all that was left of them was the child. He needed his experiment to work. So far there had been no complications. Nataliya was becoming increasingly more complacent and compliant. She was racking up a high body count as she progressed as well. The asset had more kills than many of the adult Black Widows.

Dreykov was a greedy man. He wanted desperately to destroy the world and make it his to control. He wanted nothing more than to take down the Avengers and see the look on Natasha Romanoff's face when her own daughter came back to kill her. Oh how Dreykov dreamed of that day. The day he sent the asset to wipe out The Black Widow. In her final moments Natasha Romanoff would regret betraying him. All while Dreykov watched her demise.

The young girls stood tall in a neat row in front of him. Military stances. The remaining girls from Nataliya's class were now thirteen and ready to transition from children to young women. The final few years before they became Black Widow's and went through the graduation ceremony: sterilisation.

The red haired girl stood to attention. Her hair tied in two neat braids. Her sea green eyes stared forward emotionless.

Dreykov walked down the line, looking closely at each girl. All of them as deadly capable as the next. Then he stopped. "Is this her?" Dreykov pointed his gold ringed, fat finger at the only red haired girl in the line. That wasn't what made her stand out to him though. It was her face. The way she held herself. Nataliya was always more composed than anyone else. Paired with her striking resemblance to her mother Dreykov could pick her out from a mile away.

Headmistress Anya nodded her head in response to Dreykov and a smug smirk plastered across his face. Nataliya watched the horrid man stare at her. The General leaned closer and pushed his glasses up his nose as he did. "Nataliya Romanova" he stated sheepishly. The girl's eyes met his as he spoke. He could see the fury behind her pupils. The power she held inside her. They say they eyes are the window to the soul and Dreykov could see right into Nataliya's. Dark, powerful, angry. And yet her body suggested otherwise. Whatever rage the girl had inside her could not be seen from outside. "I have heard much about you" Dreykov said, watching Nataliya's face to gage a reaction. There wasn't one. She was completely emotionless. She didn't even blink. The General chuckled to himself in satisfaction. She was perfect. Exactly what he wanted. What he needed. All he had to do was be patient and soon enough he would have the world at his mercy. All thanks to Natalia Romanova and the Winter Soldier going against orders. They would bring their own demise in the form of the one thing they truly loved.

It was almost ironic. Love is for children. Why? Because otherwise it will come back to kill you.

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