𒊹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𒊹

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She only saw him occasionally. Nataliya saw her father so little she barely remembered him. It didn't help that the last time she'd seen him she had been only three years old. Normally her Papa would come back for a day or so before he'd be gone again. Then a few weeks later he'd return until he didn't. Weeks turned into months and months became years. Before Nataliya knew it she had grown up and could hardly remember her father. Her face was a distant, blurry memory in her head.

The Winter Soldier was a Hydra weapon used to take out threats. He'd been a vital part of Hydra for over fifty years. Ruthless. Emotionless. Deadly. Efficient.

That wasn't Nataliya's father though. Nataliya's father was James Buchanan Barnes. A kind man who loved her and her mother. His steel blue eyes only ever filled with warmth and love. He was a man not a weapon. And yet she was the only person who saw that. Maybe it was the naiveness of being a child or maybe it was denial.

Nataliya never saw her father as the Winter Soldier. She never knew that side of him. She never knew the Winter Soldier existed never mind know it was her father.

Nataliya had noticed something was different that day. She was a highly observant individual so it didn't take much for her to notice that there was an abnormal amount of security that day and a collection of unknown faces walking around that confirmed her suspicious that something was different. It was not of her importance though so she ignored it. Unfazed. Unbothered.

The red haired twelve year old spent more time training individually than the others girls. She often had one on one lesson that the others didn't get. As Nataliya got older she realised more and more that was in fact different. Special even. From the medical checks to extra training and even Madame B's harsh attitude towards her. She wasn't like the other girls. She didn't understand why. Yes her mother was the best Widow to come out of the program but that didn't seem like a sufficient reason to treat her differently to the other students.

Nataliya was doing weapons training with one of the instructors on random afternoon. She didn't mind the big fire arms or batons that many of the other widows used but she found them bulky and obnoxious and preferred the smaller weapons. Knifes and hand guns were classier. In the right hands and used correctly Knifes were much more skilful than a larg assault rifle. The young assassin stood with shoulders and feet square opposite the target. Every blade she threw had purpose. Designed to be a deadly hit. Without fail she hit the target in the perfect most deadly spot. A knife to the jugular was always deadly. So of course that was where the assest aimed. Repeatedly.

After hours of training still no hairs in Nataliya's Dutch braids were out of place. Always perfect like her. She barely broke a sweat. Clearly the evidence of having the super soldier serum running through her veins.

Despite not being exhausted Nataliya's training was over. She could have continued for hours but that wasn't her orders. The door of the training room opened and the red haired weapon stepped out into the hallway. She stopped for a moment listening to the repetition sound of guards boots marching through the hallway. Nataliya was forced to stand still as they marched past her. Despite the echos of footsteps and the distance sound of doors slamming no one muttered a word. Deadly silence.

It wasn't until Nataliya saw the hydra uniform worn by one of the soldiers walking past that she began to have an inkling as to what was happening. A wave of cool air washed over the girl's skin as she stood perfect still. An eerie coldness filled the room.

The Winter Soldier. Nataliya had heard stories and rumours about him but she never imagined that she'd see him in the flesh. There was something haunting about him. His posture was upright and regimented but his head hung low as if he stared through his eyebrows. His metal arm shined in the dimly lit corridor and led to a clenched up fist at the end of it. The metal flexed slightly, pieces of silver overlapping each other as he moved. The soldiers hair was long and dark, hanging just above his shoulders and framed his face. A black carbon mask hid his features leaving only his eyes to be seen. His eyes could barely be seen under his hair but Nataliya saw them. Dark and shallow as if nothing lay behind them like a ghost. For a split second he turned his head towards her and she got a full view of his eyes as they met hers.

She wanted to throw up right there as her stomach wretched at the thought. His eyes. They were different and yet they looked the same. Nataliya recognised them and the thought of where she knew them from made her sick. Her insides flipped as she looked into his shallow blue eyes. Instead of the deep and beautiful steel blue she remembered his were almost dead looking. Grey even. Nearly all of the blue was gone but she still remembered them enough to know they were his.

Then the next moment the Winter Soldier looked away and marched past her. It couldn't be. It shouldn't be. The. Winter Soldiers eyes were the same as her father's. It was her Papa's face staring back at her but it wasn't her Papa. That man that she just saw was broken. Hopeless with nothing inside. A shell of a man. A ghost of her father.

Her father was gone. Nataliya hadn't seen him since she was three and that man wasn't her father and yet something inside her gut told her it used to be. That soldier was what was left of her Papa but it wasn't the man she remembered. He didn't remember her. What had they done to him? They'd ripped out everything that made him human and replaced it with a deadly machine like weapon. Just like they were doing to her.


Author's Note

I hope you liked the last few chapters I've posted. Unfortunately there is no predictability to when I post a new chapter or how grammatical correct it is because aha spoiler alert I'm a teenager with too much to do [exams] and not enough time. Anyway I hope you like Nataliya so far because apparently I don't considering how much shit I have already put the poor girl through and I'm not finished yet.

This story has taken me months to write and there are more chapters to come just please be patient with me and I promise they will come. If you have any suggestions or requests for the story please let me know and any positive feedback is appreciated.

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