𒊹𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𒊹

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Dawn. The time when the sun rises above the horizon and signifies the start of a new day. The sunlight was barely peaking over the fields when the asset decided to make her move. She only had a small window of opportunity to take the target by surprise. The red haired girl got off the bed and paused for a moment when she caught her reflection in the mirror. She wasn't used to seeing herself and she curiously inspected her reflection. Her white school shirt was marked with scuffs of dirt, discolouring it. Heavy bags weighed under her eyes, the evidence of no sleep. Her fiery hair hung past her shoulders in two neat braids tied with bright red ribbons at the ends. She looked like a child. She wasn't a child though.

Silently she moved through the small house and into the kitchen. Her eyes landed on the knife block sitting on the kitchen counter. The Ruby Weapon's small calloused fingers gripped around the handle of one of the knives and pulled it from the block. Her sea green eyes admired the polished silver blade for a moment, entrancing her before she snapped into her killer instincts.

She walked ever silently with purpose in the direction of her target's room. The door creaked open slightly as the girl turned the handle and cracked it open with her free hand. She was met with the sight of her target sleeping not so safely in bed. The covers were pulled up over her shoulders, her one arm dangled over the edge of the bed and her blonde hair splayed across the pillow. Nataliya crept without a word towards the bed with the knife gripped in her hand.

Without hesitation the asset pushed the blade against the sleeping woman's neck. The targets eye's snapped open and met hers. As the girl tried to push the knife further against her skin drawing blood the blonde haired woman grabbed the girl's hand and ripped it away from her neck. There was a look of pure shock and horror on the woman's face. Something Nataliya was used to seeing on her target's faces.

The woman reacted quickly to Nataliya's attack tried to release the weapon from the asset's hand, throwing it across the room with a clatter. They both eyed the blade on the floor and Nataliya scrambled towards it. She was however trapped in a vice grip and quickly gave up on retrieving the knife and turned to getting the job done with her bare hands. She was more than capable of doing so. The girl grabbed at her target's neck once again. The blonde woman, now upright on the bed held onto Nataliya's frame firmly at a distance and locked her legs around the girl, sending the two tumbling onto the floor.

The pair rolled around on the bedroom's hardwood floor fighting for control. Nataliya desperate to get at her target and Natasha fighting with an instinct whilst confliction filled her mind.

"Natal'ya, chto ty delayesh'?!" Natasha practically screamed as she pinned the red headed girl underneath her for a moment. Nataliya what are you doing?!

"Ubivayet tebya" Nataliya replied with conviction. Grunting loudly as she pushed the woman's weight off her and flipped them over. Killing you

The target stared at her in disbelief. "Why would you do that? Nataliya I'm your mother!" The woman cried out in English, giving up fighting for a second.

"Ty ne! Moya mat' mertva!" Nataliya growled in response angrily as she clawed at her target, trying to get a grip of her neck. You are not! My mother is dead!

The woman gave no response and two continued battling on the floor. They crashed into a wall and Nataliya's head smacked into it with force. Giving Natasha a moment to gain control. The blonde haired woman pushed herself of the floor and stood up. Before she could react the girl was throwing herself at her and tacked her, sending a blow straight into Natasha's chest. The two came down on the floor and continued wrestling on the floor like wild animals.

There was a terrifying inhuman look in Nataliya's eyes and she once again pinned her target down."I don't want to hurt you" the woman breathed out just louder than a whisper as the asset tried to choke her. The asset scoffed at the woman's words. That was a lie. Everyone wanted to hurt Nataliya.

The young girl's locket necklace had now come loose from under her shirt and was dangling above the woman's face. Natasha stared at it for a moment as the memories took over her mind. What had they turned her baby girl into? It made her stomach churn.
The way Nataliya's braided hair hung over Natasha felt like it was teasing her. The way the red ribbons made her look so childlike and innocent felt like a taunt.

Despite the guilt and hurt, physical and emotionally Natasha gripped onto the locket and pulled it down. Half choking the girl as her face was forced towards her. Now Nataliya looked scared. That necklace meant everything to her and the thought of it breaking or loosing it instilled a sense of fear inside her.

Natasha held the gold metal between her fingers, remembering when she stole it from a jewellers whilst on a mission and how she'd sat and carved her and James' initials inside it with a knife. She remembered giving it to five year old Nataliya and telling her to keep it safe and hidden. All these years later she still wore it around her neck.

Yet it pained her to see how her daughter had changed and became the thing Natasha had nightmares about.

"Oni lgali! Vrali Natal'ya! Tvoya mat' ne umerla, ona zdes'" Natasha's tone was firm, harsh even as gripped the necklace in her hand whilst the other held Nataliya back from trying to strangle her. They lied! They lied Nataliya! Your mother's not dead, she's right here

Nataliya tried to pull back but the woman held the necklace firmly preventing her from moving. She was forced to think about her words. Process them. She looked into the woman's face. She noticed her green eyes and how her eyebrows were a tint of red. The woman wasn't actually blonde she was ginger. Nataliya pictured the woman with her natural hair colour and her breath caught in the back of her throat. She was older than before but Nataliya could see it now.

Nataliya had been lied to for so long she couldn't tell truth from a lie. The people who held authority over her, the people she was supposed to trust a believe had lied to her. It was all a lie. Her entire life was a lie. Her mama wasn't dead.

She was right in front of her.

And she'd just tried to kill her.


Author's Note

I sincerely apologise for the very long delay I have been extremely busy and this story unfortunately ended up on the back burner. Hopefully I'll be back to updating more regularly and I hope you enjoy this chapter because it was an intense one to write.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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