Chapter 3

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Gumball stormed out of the Principal's office, slamming the door behind him as he stormed down the corridor.

He'd tried to explain what had happened but Principal Brown just wouldn't listen to him and had given him a week after school detention.

His paw was clenched and almost shaking with rage he was so angry. Why was the universe so against him today? What had he done to possibly deserve this?!

He went outside and realised it was now recess, though he'd already missed most of it.

He sighed and sat down on a bench, not even caring that it was still wet.

He had his stomach as it grumbled and he realised he hadn't had breakfast this morning and was subsequently really hungry.

"Just gotta survive til lunch..."

"Hey Gumball!"

He heard a voice which immediately made him feel better just by its presence.

"Hey, Penny..." He said sounding very downbeat.

Penny realised how upset he was and sat down next to him, holding his paw. "What's wrong? You look really upset..."

"Just having a bad day that's all..."

"Oh no, really? What happened?"

"Missed breakfast, missed the bus and got wet in the rain, my clothes are still damp because the dryer was broken, I embarrassed myself in front of everyone, got detention because of someone's drawing and got sent to the Principal's office."

"Oof, pretty rough."

He scoffed. "You don't say.."

"Hey, don't scoff at me!" She said feeling insulted.

"Well, when you state the flipping obvious it's hard not to!" He snapped, his bad mood getting the better of him

She frowned. "Look, I get that you're in a bad mood but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on me!"

"Well just because I scoffed doesn't give you the right to yell at and annoy me even more!" He raised his voice as he was getting irritated.

She took a deep breath and tried to maintain her composure. "Gumball, please, just calm down!"

"Oh, just stop being angry, great advice there! You got any more great words of wisdom?!"

"I'm trying to help, there's no need to be so rude!"

"You call this helping?! Fat load of good you are then!"

She stood up turning red.

"Gumball, what is wrong with you!? This is completely unlike you!"

"What's wrong with me!? You're the one yelling at me over nothing!" He stood up stomping his foot.

"Gumball, please, stop it! This isn't like you, you're being a complete jerk! Just calm down, please!"

"I'm the jerk!? You're the one getting all angry over nothing! I was fine until you came over!"

"Gumball, you're being unreasonable! Just listen to yourself, you're overreacting!"

"I'm overreacting!? You're the one having a hissy fit!" He began to shout, his anger taking over.

"Yeah, because you're being a complete and utter jerk!" She yelled back

"Says the one annoyed over me scoffing! I mean, listen to yourself!"

"No, you listen-"

He snapped and slapped her before yelling. "Why don't you just shut the hell up and go back in your stupid shell like you belong and just leave me the hell alone!"

His paws snapped to his mouth and his eyes widened when he realised what he'd just said and done to her.

She began to cry softly and started shaking as she held her cheek.

He began to shake, horrified, as tears streamed down his face. "O-O-Oh my god...P-Penny, I-I-I...I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to...I didn't mean what I..."

He tried to touch her shoulder but she turned into her medusa form and hissed at him causing him to jump back in fright.

"Stay away from me! I don't want anything to do with you anymore arrogant, selfish, egotistical jerk! As far as I'm concerned, we're over!"

His heart shattered as his world began to fall apart around him. She...s-she broke up with him...

She turned and started walking away angrily.

"NO, PENNY WAIT! PLEASE!" He cried out as tears began to stream down his face.

She continued walking not listening to him.

He started to cry. "PLEASE! PENNY, I DIDN'T MEAN WHAT I-"

She went inside, slamming the door.

He sat back down and sat in silence, the reality of what had just happened beginning to set in. The love of his life, the girl who he so deeply cared about had just left him...and it was all his fault!

He teared up before bursting into tears, sobbing into his paws.

As if things weren't bad enough, now I've gone and lost Penny!? What is wrong with me!?

He clenched his fist. He'd now gone from simply annoyed to mad. At himself, and the universe.

Why? Why was the universe so cruel to him? What had done to deserve this? And why was he now actively making it worse for himself?

Penny was right in asking what was wrong with him...

The bell for the end of recess rang and he went inside, kicking a football as hard as he could as he walked past.

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