Chapter 8 (Epilogue)

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It was two weeks later and Gumball couldn't be happier.

Darwin had immediately run up to him and given him a long, loving hug as soon as he'd gotten home the day of the incident, Anais having told him what happened. He'd completely forgotten about what Gumball had said and was only concerned with whether he was all right after what he'd been through.

As soon as Penny had found out what had happened he'd received about a million calls and texts from her asking if he was okay, that she was sorry for upsetting him earlier, she had no idea he was so upset, and she felt horrible for making him feel even worse and that she, of course, hadn't meant what she'd said about them being over.

Anais had been pretty shaken up by what had happened and had been very nervous and jumpy around him, especially when he got near or went to touch her, as she was scared that he could snap and turn again at any point. At one point she'd had a nightmare about Gumball in his limit mode chasing her through the dark, destroyed school and he'd had to comfort her as she'd sobbed in his arms and assure her that he was okay, that he would never ever in a million years hurt her, and that she had absolutely nothing to be scared about. He had made sure after that to cancel some of his plans with friends and spend some extra time with her instead doing whatever she wanted, to help calm her nerves and assure her she had absolutely nothing to worry about and she was now finally happy and comfortable around him again.

Julius hadn't bullied a single person since that day and had avoided Gumball and his siblings completely. Whenever he saw Gumball he immediately ran away, much to his and his sibling's amusement.

Nicole had started teaching Gumball karate and he was learning surprisingly fast. Nicole also seemed much calmer and happier than she had in years, now having a way to let out her excess anger.

Now, Gumball and Nicole were finishing off their latest training session.

Gumball was practising the punches and kicks Nicole had taught him on a training dummy she had bought.

He finished, cupped his hands and bowed.

"Very good, very good. Well done, Gumball-san." She smiled.

"Thanks, mo-I mean, thank you, Sensei." He bowed again

She smiled. "I'm very proud of you Gumball. You've been taking this very seriously and you seem to be really enjoying it. It was a great idea."

"I can't take all the credit. Penny's the one who suggested I get the gi back out. She gave me the idea to do this."

"Well, thank her for me when you next see her. I feel calmer and more relaxed than I have in years. It feels great to let out all my stress and anger in such a productive way. It's leagues better than my anger management therapy."

"Yeah, I did notice you seem happier. It's really nice seeing you so happy for once." He smiled.

She smiled back. "Aww, thank you, honey. It's nice to be so happy too. Spending time with you and doing something I enjoy, it's great. I have something else to look forward to after work as well now."

"Yeah, it's amazing! It's really fun and it's something I'm actually really good at! I only wish we'd done this sooner!" He said excitedly.

"Me too, me too. Oh, and speaking of you being good, you've made really good progress, and in only a few weeks too! I'm really proud of you, and I have something very special for you..."

"Ooh, what is it!?" He began to get excited.

She went and took out a yellow belt and presented it to him.

"Well done sweetheart, you've earned this."

His eyes widened as his face lit up and he gasped delightedly.

"Really!? You mean it!?"

"Yep. It's all yours my little Karate Weiner, well done!" She rubbed his head affectionately.

He grinned and hugged her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

He quickly regained his composure and cleared his throat. "I mean, uhh, thank you very much Sensei, I appreciate it."

She laughed. "The lessons over honey, you don't need to be formal."

"Oh, right."

He then grinned again excitedly and took it.

He removed his white belt and put on his yellow one.

" do I look?" He did a spin.

"You look great Gummypuss."

"Ooh, wait til I show Penny! She's gonna be so impressed!"

Nicole laughed. "I'm sure she will..."

"Right you, let's get back inside so I can start dinner."

"Alright!" He hugged her. "I love you."

She hugged him back. "I love you too Gummypuss."

They hugged for a bit before Gumball ran back inside excited to show the others his new belt.

Nicole chuckled and put away the training dummy and mat before going inside, smiling as she heard Gumball proudly telling Darwin and Anais about his new belt.

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