Chapter 4

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Another boring lesson was over and Gumball's stomach was growling. He could already smell lunch.

He had been completely silent in class, just taking notes and doing his work, trying his best to not break down in tears in front of everyone. As soon as the bell had rung and he'd been dismissed he ran out of the classroom as fast as he could, eager to get away from everyone.

He entered the cafeteria. Penny saw him and immediately got up and moved to another table near the back, wanting nothing to do with him.

He teared up and let out a whimper, and went to get his food.

Once he'd gotten it he headed towards Darwin's table.

He'd almost reached it when he tripped on some water someone had spilt and sent his food flying off the tray and onto the floor, spilling it everywhere.

He growled and clenched his teeth.

He slammed his tray to the ground as hard as he could, breaking it in half, as he walked back to the line.

As he did he felt a headache starting to form. Why am I not surprised?

He reached the front of the line again being the only one left.

"Woah dude, you know the rules, only one lunch per person," Rocky told him.

"But I tripped and spilt mine on the floor!"

"Sorry, but there are no exceptions. Besides, even if I were allowed, we're all out anyways." He shrugged.

Gumball felt his anger rising. "Fine, I'll just go hungry then..." He said through gritted teeth.

He went to leave the cafeteria when Jamie stopped him. "You! I slipped on the lunch you spilt and got my clothes dirty. Now you're gonna pay up."

"Not. in. the mood."

"I don't care. Either you pay, or you pay."

"I don't have any money left. Besides, even if I did I wouldn't give it to a dense-minded nimrod like you"

He immediately covered his mouth as everyone gasped. He had just said that?

Jamie cracked her knuckles. She was mad. Very mad.


A while later Gumball exited the cafeteria, his clothes ripped and torn from getting beaten up by Jamie.

He clenched his fist as his headache grew even worse. He was mad. No, furious. He'd hardly ever felt this mad before.

He punched a random locker in frustration a few times, denting it, before holding his paw in pain.

He leaned on the locker and slid down before breaking down into tears.


He heard a voice softly call his name and knew who it was immediately but didn't care to reply. He was in too bad a mood to talk to anyone. Even him.

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