Chapter 5

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He tried to walk but his headache was so painful he could only manage to dizzily limp towards the door as his head spun and throbbed in pain.

He got outside and leaned against the wall taking deep breaths. What was happening to him?

He slid down the wall holding his head, tears streaming down his face as the pain was so bad.

He looked up and the whole playground was spinning.

"Aghhhhh! Make it stop!"

He began to sweat and breath deeply as he tried to block out the pain.

He heard a commotion and turned to see a crowd gathered around Julius and what looked like...

He gasped.


He slowly got up and limped over dizzily, holding his head as his headache throbbed harder. It hurt so much, each step made his head feel like it was on fire, but he had to keep going. His sister was in danger.

Julius picked her up by the collar of her dress.

"You snooty little know it all, you think you're so clever?!"

"W-w-what do you mean?"

"Upstaging me all the time in class! Making me look stupid! I'm fed up with being outsmarted and humiliated by a four-year-old! A girl!"

"I-I-I'm sorry! P-please!" She cowered and covered her face with her arms as she began to cry.

"Please ain't gonna cover it sunshine!"

"Leave her...AGHHHHH...leave her alone!"

They turned to see Gumball as he fell to his knees.

Julius burst out laughing. "and what are you gonna do pipsqueak!?"


He screamed in agony as he clutched his head, his claws digging into his scalp. His headache had become so bad he couldn't take it anymore He felt a wave of fury and aggression and pure anger fall over him, and heard the sound of his heart beating as his head spun faster and faster.

He couldn't take it anymore. The bus, the rain, the dryer, embarrassing himself, the pop quiz, the detentions, no breakfast, Penny, No lunch, Jamie, Darwin and now this. They all kept playing in his head, faster and faster, louder and louder. He wanted it to stop, it hurt so much! He tried to stay in control but it was just too much. He'd been pushed over the edge.

He'd gone past his limit.

"G-Gumball...!? A-a-are you okay!?" Anais looked at him wide-eyed, frightened and genuinely concerned.

"You need" He warned weakly.

"W-What?" She asked confused as she watched him on the ground, breathing heavily as he shook vigorously.

"What?! As if I'm gonna run from you, loser!"

His arm thrust forwards towards him but he used his other to hold it back.

"RUN!" He said in a deep voice as he looked up, his eyes now glowing orange with yellow pupils.

She gasped in horror, the entire supermarket incident replaying in her mind. Oh was happening again!

" need to get out of here, all of you, now!"

"Pfft, yeah right. I'm not running from a wimp like him!"

"You don't understand, he's gone past his limit!"

"So? What's he gonna do? He couldn't fight a pillow, let alone m-"

He was suddenly knocked to the ground by claws swiping at his face at full force.


He clutched his face in pain.

"STAY. AWAY. FROM MY SISTER!" He growled as he panted.

He looked up to see Gumball whose claws and teeth were now showing, his fur was roughed up and messy, panting and drooling as he let out a deep snarl.

"W...what the hell?"

Anais watched in horror as Julius tried to punch him but Gumball just caught and crushed his hand.


He threw Julius across the playground.

Gumball hissed. "DON'T MESS WITH ME!"

"What's wrong with you!?"

"He's not himself! He gone beserk, you need to run!" Anais yelled.

He slowly backed away, before getting up and sprinting inside.

Gumball snarled and followed his prey on all fours. The chase was on.

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