S1~The Monster

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"You need to hurry up and pass your driving test, y/n" Dustin sighed, out of breath as they rode their bikes, side by side, to Mike's house.
"I'm working on it"

"I just... I can't believe she didn't come back." Mike said as he paced
"She's gotta be close." Dustin reassured
"She said it wasn't safe. She just messed up the compasses because she wanted to protect us. She didn't betray us."
"Mike, calm down."
"I shouldn't have yelled at her. I never should've done that."
"Mike, this isn't your fault." y/n told him
"Yeah, it's Lucas'."
"It wasn't his fault, either." she said
"It wasn't his fault?" he argued
"So you're saying he wasn't way out of line?"
"Totally, but so were you!"
"And so was Eleven."
"Oh, give me a break!"
"No, Mike, you give us a break! All three of you were being a bunch of little assholes! We were the only reasonable ones." she loudly spoke
"And the bottom line is... you pushed first. And you know the rule. You draw first blood..." Dustin added, stepping closer to Mike
"No! No way! I'm not shaking his hand."
"You're shaking his hand!"
"No, I'm not."
"This isn't a discussion. This is the rule of law. Obey or be banished from the party. Do you wanna be banished?"
"Good." y/n spoke as she began to put on her coat, followed by Dustin
"Where are we going?" Mike asked
"Where do you think? We're going to get Lucas. And then we're gonna find Eleven." she told him

When they arrived at Lucas' house, y/n rung the doorbell. Movement was heard behind the door before it was opened, revealing Lucas, who looked annoyed the second he noticed Mike.
"What do you want?" they all stood there for a few seconds, waiting for Mike to speak but he didn't utter a word, so Dustin hit him, causing him to sigh and eventually speak
"I drew first blood, so..." he held his hand out towards Lucas.

When Lucas invited them in, they stood in his living room while he paced in front of his fireplace, contemplating what to do.
"Okay, I'll shake. On one condition. We forget the weirdo and go straight to the gate."
"Then the deal's off." Mike shouted
"Fine!" y/n just rolled her eyes at their bickering
"No, no, not fine! Guys, seriously? Do you even remember what happened on the Bloodstone Pass?" Dustin asked. Mike and Lucas shrugged their shoulders causing Dustin to sigh
"We couldn't agree on what path to take, so we split up the party and those trolls took us out one by one. And it all went to shit. And we were all disabled! So we stick together, no matter what!"
"Yeah, I agree. But this is the party, right here in this room. Even y/n, she's an honorary member"
"El is one of us now." Mike calmly said
"Um, no, she's not. Not even close! Never will be. She's a liar, a traitor-"
"She was just trying to keep us safe! She didn't mean to hurt you. It was an accident!"
"An accident? All right, accident or not... admit it, it was a little awesome." y/n just closed her eyes and shook her head
"Awesome?" Lucas shouted
"Yeah, she threw you in the air with her mind!"
"I could have been killed!"
"Which is exactly why we need her. She's a weapon." y/n spoke, hating that she had to choose sides.
"Do you seriously wanna fight the Demogorgon with your wrist rocket? That's like R2-D2 going to fight Darth Vader. We're no use to Will if we're dead." Mike told him
"If you three wanna waste your time looking for a traitor, go ahead, 'cause I'm not spending my time on her anymore. No way! I'm going to the gate. I'm gonna find Will." Lucas finished, pushing past Mike and Dustin.

"This is weird without Lucas." Dustin said as they rode their bikes on the road
"He should've shaken my hand."
"He's just jealous."
"What are you talking about?"
"Sometimes, your total obliviousness just blows my mind." Dustin sighed and continued
"He's your best friend, right?"
"Yeah... I mean, I don't know."
"It's fine. I get it. I didn't get here until the fourth grade. He had the advantage of living next door. But none of that matters. What matters is that he is your best friend. And then this girl shows up and starts living in your basement, and all you ever want to do is pay attention to her." Dustin explained
"That's not true."
"Yes, it is." y/n told him
"And you know it. And he knows it. But no one ever says anything until you both start punching and yelling at each other like goblins with intelligence scores of zero. Now everything's weird." Dustin added
"He's not my best friend."
"Yeah, right." Dustin chuckled
"I mean, he is, but so are you. And so is Will."
"Can't have more than one best friend."
"Says who?"
"Says logic, y/n, back me up here"
"I hate to admit it, but he's right"
"Well, I call bull on your logic, because you're my best friend, too."
"Whoa guys, stop" y/n panted. They all looked over to where indistinct conversations were behind held. They saw the doors of a supermarket, completely smashed and employees and witnesses talking to the police
"You don't think..." Dustin trailed off
"Uh... definitely." Mike said. They all turned their bikes and rode down, past the supermarket, hoping to hear any indication that Eleven had done it.

y/n walked around on her own, looking for El while Dustin and Mike were up by the quarry. She heard a scream causing her to look up to them. She saw Mike floating in the air and as soon as she saw that, her heart dropped. The water at the bottom of the Quarry rippled before she dropped her bike and ran up towards them. As she was running up the hill, she watched as Mike floated back up to the top. As she got to the top, she saw El snap her neck to the side and bones cracking echoed around them, followed by screaming.
"She broke my arm! My arm!" one of the boys screamed
"Go." El demanded
"Let's get out of here! Let's go!" and with that, they ran away
"Yeah, that's right! You better run! She's our friend and she's crazy! You come back here and she'll kill you! You hear me? She'll kill you, you sons of bitches. She'll kill you, you hear me?" Dustin screamed at the two boys as the ran away. El started to fall but y/n caught her head just in time, before it hit the ground. She skidded across the floor, ripping her pants and cutting up her knees in the process.
"El, are you okay? El?"
"Mike... I'm sorry." she sobbed
"Sorry? What are you sorry for?"
"The gate... I opened it. I'm the monster."
"No. No, El, you're not the monster. You saved me. Do you understand? You saved me." Mike reassured her. Y/N sat her up before they all pulled together for a group hug.

While they were walking their bikes back towards Mike's house, y/n saw an electrical van, that she usually wouldn't think twice about but she had seen them a lot in the past few days.

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