S2~Trick Or Treat, Freak

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Y/n watched as her brother posed for pictures in his costume. Her and her mom had worked for days on it and she was glad to see it paid off and he loved it.
"Oh! I want to see those pearls." Their mom screeched "Yeah!" she shouted as he smiled widely. As she snapped the picture, Mews meowed at Dustin. Y/n just smiled as she watched them. She missed dressing up, which reminded her that she'll have to figure out a last minute costume for the party. Something from The Evil Dead? The Shining? Friday the 13th? Halloween?
"Who you gonna call?" their mom sung the theme of Ghostbusters and he had up the contraption and smiled again.

"Really, everyone dressed up last year." Dustin sighed as him, his sister and his friends rode down the road after telling her that they were the only ones who dressed up.
"I don't know, maybe they felt too old to dress up" she spoke until they heard a car revving from behind them
"Hey, guys?" Dustin said, getting everyone's attention.
"Mike, you need to haul ass!"
"Go right!" y/n shouted and they all crashed onto a patch of grass just on the side of the road as the tires of the  car screeched as it swerved to the left
"Holy sh¡t! Was that..."
"Mad Max."
"Mad Max is Billy's sister?!" y/n asked, just watching the car drive away
"Billy? Who's Billy?"
"New douchebag" she muttered as they all got back on their bikes and continued to pedal down the road.

Y/n mouthed the words to 'Shout at the Devil' as she manoeuvred her way through the crowd of people at the party, making her way towards Steve and Nancy.
"what, are you a cat?" Steve asked when he saw y/n.
"I had a day to prepare an outfit, this was the best I could do okay? They ran out of Jason Voorhees masks." she told him and she poured herself a cup of punch. She ended up wearing a black, long-sleeved turtle neck top and some black leather pants with a cat tail and cat ears and whiskers drawn on her face with eyeliner. Out of nowhere, chanting and cheering began to fill the air, barely audible over the blaring music. y/n groaned as she heard 'Billy' being chanted.
"him" y/n informed as they watched the shirtless man walked towards them. Sweat mixed with alcohol gleamed on his chin and chest as a smug smirk came from his mouth
"We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington." Tommy H said as Billy winked at her. She just rolled her eyes and grimaced at him.
"Yeah, that's right!"
"Yeah. Eat it, Harrington." two other guys shouted as Nancy rolled her eyes and walked away while Billy and Steve had a stare off.
"How long?" she asked, staring at him
"forty-two seconds" Tommy laughed, assuming that y/n would back down from the challenge, but instead, she huffed and got ready to put that piece of shit in his place
"okay" she said quietly as she chugged the rest of her drink
"Get ready to be shown up by a girl, Hargrove" she slammed the red solo cup down on the counter and then pushed between the men and made her way to the keg stand, closely followed but the other men.
"hold these" y/n demanded as she handed Tommy her tail and cat ears. She put her hands on the sides of the keg and kicked her legs up, feeling two hand hold onto them to keep her up in the air. She took a deep breath and then began.

"thirty-eight..." She was really feeling it at that point but she couldn't tap out, no way.
"Holy shit, Hargrove, she's gonna beat you!" someone shouted over the counting
"y/n! y/n! y/n!" people were screaming at this point
"forty-two!" she decided to see how long she could last, she wanted to show up all the men watching.
"forty-three! forty-four! forty-five!"
"oh my fucking god dude!"
"y/n! y/n! y/n!"
"forty-eight! forty-nine! fifty!" she had to tap out at this point, she felt like she was going to crash into the keg, her arms got too weak, so she pulled her legs down and while everybody was shouting and screaming around her, she knelt down in front of the keg, with her hands still on it and looked up at Billy. His face was surprised and amazed and his smirk showed that he was turned on by it. As she stood up, she stumbled but was quickly caught by a crowd of people cheering for her
"who the fuck gets 50 on a keg stand?!"
"that has to be a world record or something!"

"We're just being stupid teenagers for the night. Wasn't that the deal?" y/n heard Nancy say as she walked past her.
"what was that about?" she asked Steve as they watched her walk away, into the crowd of drunk teens.
"We had dinner with Barbara's parents, I think it hit her harder than expected... did you beat Hargrove?" he asked, turning to the girl next to him
"yep, 50 seconds!" she boasted
"50 seconds, are you fucking serious? I've see grown men pass out by 30 seconds!"
"yeh well, it'll take a lot more than a keg stand to knock out a Henderson"

"Hey Jonathan, didn't expect to see you here!" y/n smiled as she pulled him into a small hug
"yeh well, I almost didn't come" he chuckled, to which y/n laughed and nodded
"soo..." she spoke, looking him up and down, trying to figure out what his costume was
"I'm dressed as a guy who hates parties"
"ah, creative"
"and you are a cat?"
"I was, I lost my tail and my ears around here somewhere, so we'll just say I'm..." she began and she looked down at herself
"a shadow"
"yes, a shadow!" she laughed alongside him, but their conversation got disrupted by Nancy and Steve shouting behind them in the kitchen
"No, no, no. Get off."
"No, you've had enough, okay?"
"Screw you!"
"Nance, I'm serious."
"Hey. Hey. Hey. Stop." Nancy slurred as she tried to stop Steve from pulling her cup away from her
"No, I'm serious. Put it down."
"Nance, put it down."
"Steve! Stop. Stop. Stop." and just like that, the vibrant red liquid dyed her white costume all down the front. Gasps were heard from all around the kitchen area
"What the hell?" Nancy groaned as she slammed down her cup and marched towards the bathroom, followed by Steve
"What's going on there?" Jonathan asked as they watched the couple walk to the bathroom
"something about dinner with Barb's parents, she's still having a hard time with it all" she informed him to which he nodded

"woah, Steve? Steve!" y/n shouted over the music as she followed an angry Steve who was storming out of the party
"Steve, are you alright?" She shouted as they got outside, where the music and conversations were more muted.
"uhh yeh.. no... I don't know" he said, turning his head behind him but continuing to walk forward. When he arrived at his car, he saw y/n jogging to catch up to him
"you don't need to tell me about it, it's obviously a personal thing but, do you think you could give me a ride home?"
"uhh, yeh... yeh, hop in" he said, pulling his door open.
"thanks man" she smiled

"Dustin!" y/n shouted out of the window
"thanks Steve, I can walk from here"
"you sure?"
"yeh, and listen, if there's anything you need, I'm here" she smiled as she closed the door of the car and then it sped off
"was that Steve Harrington?" "yeh, why?" she asked, stumbling slightly as she walked beside her brother
"jesus, are you drunk?" he asked, helping her walk straight
"only a little bit, but you can't tell mom!" she threatened but he threw his hands up in defence
"How was your night anyway, did Max take you up on your offer?"
"it was amazing! She was dressed as Michael Myers with the mask and everything, and we went to all the rich neighbourhoods and got so many full sized candy bars! And millions of 3 musketeers bars! and before you ask, yes, I'll share some with you" he rambled, she smiled and looked down at him. She missed trick-or-treating and the thrill and excitement of Halloween, but she preferred the parties and alcohol.
"hey, how do you say 'tubular'?"
"yeh, like, if you were from California"
"like tubular!!"
"Tubular. Tubular!" They both continued to attempt to say it, laughing along the way with each other until they arrived at their house. Just as they got to the door, they heard chirping and growling from a trash can, interrupting them
"Mews, is that-" Dustin was interrupted by a loud thud as the noises continued
"Shit, shit, shit, shit." he whispered as they got closer to the noise
"stop saying shit!" y/n complained as she put her hand on the lid of the trash can. Dustin gripped part of his costume to protect the two as she pulled up the lid. They both began screaming in an attempt to scare whatever it was but stopped when there was silent chittering coming from inside the trash can. They both just stared down at it for a quick moment before Dustin said what they were both thinking
"Holy shit"

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