S2~Will The Wise

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"Will! Will!" Dustin, Max and y/n shouted, trying to find him
"y/n!" Joyce spoke as they ran into each other
"Mrs. Byers?"
"What's going on? Where's Will?" Joyce stressed but before anyone could answer, a door leading to the outside opened and in came a panting Lucas
"The field!" was the only thing he said before he ran back out, followed by the other 4

"Will. I just found him like this! I think he's having another episode!" Mike shouted as everyone ran towards him and Will on the field. He was stood completely still, eyes rolled back into his head.
"Will! Will! Will! Sweetie, wake up! It's Mom! Will!" Joyce shouted as she held onto her son's shoulders, trying to wake him up by shaking him
"Will, wake up! Can you hear me? Will, please, just wake up." everyone just stood around in shock and horror, not knowing what to do or say. In that moment, there wasn't much they could do or say.
"Please, wake up! It's Mom! It's me!" Will's eyes shot open and he gasped as he woke up from his trance

Joyce led him out the front of the school while the others just followed behind, stopping at the top of the steps as they watched Will and his mom walk towards her car
"Okay, that totally freaked me out. Did that not freak you guys out?" Max asked, looking around at the others
"Two episodes in two days."
"It's getting worse."
"You think it's True Sight?" Lucas asked Mike
"What's True Sight? Max asked as Mike and Dustin looked at Lucas as to say 'you're an idiot'
"It's nothing." he told her and they all watched them drive away

"who were you talking to?"
y/n asked Dustin as he closed his bedroom door, causing him to jump out of his skin.
"jesus christ y/n, don't sneak up on me like that! I was just... talking to myself." She just stared at him, she knew he was lying, she knew he was lying yesterday in the bathroom, she just wanted to see if he would tell her, she wanted him to trust her.
"okay well, hurry up, you're gonna be late" she just sighed as she watched him walk towards the kitchen and then looked towards his door but shook her head, looked down and then walked away.

After the long and treacherous day at school, y/n just wanted to kick off her shoes and not do anything until the next morning. However, her plans flew out the window as soon as she stepped through her front door.
"hey mom" she sighed as she closed the door and relieved her shoulders of her backpack.
"hi baby, how was school?" instead of replying, she just sighed and plopped down on the couch, resting her head back with her eyes closed.
"oh thank god" Dustin breathed as he raced into the living room and find his sister had arrived home
"y/n, I need you"
"why?" she asked without opening her eyes
"I just do" she opened her eyes to look at her brother, with one eyebrow slightly more raised than the other, but as she saw the look on his face, the look of desperation and fear, her features changed to match him.
"y/n, go help your brother" their mother said and without another word, she sprung to her feet and rushed over to him.

"okay, so, you know how we lost Dart," he started as he closed his bedroom door behind the both of them.
"it just so happens that I found him in the school bathroom, hid him under my cap, took him home and put him back in yurtle's tank an-"
"I know" she interrupted
"you know?"
"yeh, I just didn't bring it up because I wanted you to tell me yourself, Dustin I'm your sister, I want you be able to trust me" he was silent for a moment and then spoke again
"okay, I do, and I'll trust you more but, right now, we have a problem" he said as he walked over to the covered tank. When he lifted the fabric, a slight gasp escaped y/n's lips as she looked over the smashed glass and slimey pile of shedded skin.
"okay well, where is he?" she asked him in hushed tones
"that's the thing, I uh... I don't know, that's why I need you"
"you don't-Dustin, this isn't something that you can just lose!" she shouted, but still with hushed tones as to not alert their mother
"I know, but he was gone when I got home and now I'm freaking out beca-" he was interrupted by Dart's screech, causing both of their gazes to whip in the direction of the noise.
"Dart?" Dustin asked before they both slowly began to walk towards the chair in the corner of his room.
"stay behind me" she whispered to him as she picked up a hard covered book, only then did they notice dark blood stains on his carpet and chair. Growls, grunts and squelches came from behind the chair as they shuffled closer to it. When they got close enough to see behind it, their eyes widened and breathing intensified as they saw their presumably missing cat being feasted on by a much bigger, uglier Dart. The creatures head turned towards the pair, face covered in Mews' blood. They stared at him in shock as his face was now identical to a Demogorgon and before either of them could say anything, his mouth opened up and let out a loud screech, causing the siblings to slightly jump back, without taking their eyes off of him.

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