S2~The Pollywog

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"Dusty! Dusty, how was it? Oh, and y/n!" the two siblings eyes shot up towards their mom
"How was what?" Dustin asked, too nervous to understand what she was talking about "'How was what?' The greatest night of the year, of course."
"Oh. Oh, yeah, it was..."
"it was great!" y/n stepped in
"It was, uh, tubular." Dustin also said. y/n's face dropped slightly but she managed to hold up a smile
"What's wrong with you?" their mom asked
"Nothing." they defended in unison
"Did something happen?"
"Dusty, are you constipated again?" y/n silently laughed at the question
"No. Mom!"
"Okay, you're acting weird, both of you."
"We're not acting weird!" y/n defended before thudding and rattling came from the trap
"Ah!" they all laughed nervously as hissing came from the trap
"Awesome, right? Yeah... we rigged the trap with, uh, a motor to make it look like Dustin caught a ghost." y/n thought off the top of her head.
"Just like the movie." Dustin clarified. Their mom nervously laughed again.
"Oh, Dusty." they all continued to laugh as the rattling and gurgling continued
"Funny. Look at that. Look at that." Dustin finished as y/n nudged him away and towards his room.
When they got in there, y/n locked his door as he complained towards the creature
"I told you to keep quiet. All you had to do was stay still for one minute. One minute." y/n walked over to him and lifted the lid off the tank up for Dustin to take out his turtle
"Sorry, Yertle. Temporary eviction, buddy." after the turtle was free, Dustin opened his trap and dropped the creature in the tank.
"be careful Dustin, you don't want to hurt it" y/n said as the crouched down slightly and watched it chitter as it struggled to roll over
"What are you, little guy?" Dustin asked as it crawled away, and hid under a rock
"What were you doing in our trash?" y/n whispered as she lightly tapped on the glass, causing it's head perk up towards the two
"You hungry?" Dustin smiled and then walked over to his bag of candy, dumping them all onto his bed. He walked back over to the tank and started placing pieces of a 3 Musketeers bar into the tank, then taking a bite himself "Nougat. Go on, eat." y/n would go over to his pile of candy and get herself a 3 Musketeers bar but she was too fasinsted by the creature. It slightly peeked out from the shadow, only to screech and scurry back under. y/n looked up, then back down and asked
"Too hot?" as she switched the lamp off so it wouldn't beam down on it.
"Sorry about that, little guy." Dustin said as it hobbled out from its hiding place and began to eat
"You like nougat, too, huh?" "join the club" they smiled as they watch it eat.
"You're pretty cute, you know that? I'm glad we found you." Dustin chuckled proudly and then looked at the wrapper in his hand.
"D'Artagnan. I'm gonna call you d'Artagnan." He smiled big as they both continued to watch the creature.

The night ended with y/n and Dustin overloading on candy and reading about reptiles, to try and figure out what on earth that creature was. They lost track of time as Dustin fell asleep laying on his bed, book resting on his stomach and candy in his hand, whereas y/n fell asleep sat up on the floor next to the bed, with a book in her hand, resting on her lap. While they slept, d'Artagnan chittered and screeched as something under his skin began to move.

"Mr. Henderson, you know the rules... five at a time." the librarian spoke as Dustin slammed a stack of books on the desk in front of her
"Yep. One, two, three, four and five." he counted as he pointed to each book
"Ten, you already have five books checked out."
"My mistake. However... I am on a curiosity voyage, we both are," Dustin gestured between him and his sister
"and we need our paddles to travel. These books... These books are our paddles."
"Five at a time."
"okay well, can I check them out?" y/n asked
"you don't have an account"
"then I'd like to make an account"
"of course... you can't check any books out until your account is activated though"
"and how long does that take?"
"about a week"
"Are you shitting me?" Dustin complained while y/n thought of a plan
"Excuse me?" the librarian exclaimed
"What the hell is..." y/n whispered as she pointed at the ceiling behind the older woman. Whilst she was distracted, y/n nudged Dustin as he grabbed all the books. "Mr. Henderson!" the siblings heard from behind them as they ran out of the library
"We need our paddles!" Dustin screamed

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