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"son of a bitch... son of a bitch!" y/n heard as she was reading. She rolled her eyes, put down the book and she trudged towards the shouting to find the couch cushions had been flipped over.
"umm... okay" she whispered to herself and then continued to drag her feet into the TV room to find her mom holding Mews and watching TV. She then saw the culprit of the flipped couch cushions.
"another stupid penny" he groaned as he threw it behind him, almost hitting their mom and cat.
"Dusty, watch it! You almost hit Mews."
"Can I please check under your cushion?"
"Mom, please? it's an emergency!" their mom moaned followed by Dustin copying her. She eventually caved and stood up while he checked under the pillow on her chair. He pulled out two coins and smiled in victory.
"Love you, Mom" he said as he ran back to his room, almost knocking his sister over
"hey! watch it, shit head!"
"y/n!" she just put her hands up in defence and then spun around, following the trail of Dustin.
"Lucas, you copy? I've got four quarters. What's your haul?" he asked into his headset radio.
"how" was all y/n could hear as the other side of the conversation was muted due to it being headphones.
"Old Man Humphrey's got that kinda cash?" she laughed and shook her head as she walked into her room across the hall and picked up some money she had laying on her desk.
"you call Mike!" she faintly heard as she walked back over to his door.
"Mike, do you copy? Mike, do you copy?" he spoke as y/n came into his view and leaned on his door frame, money hidden in the palm of her hand.
"What the hell are you doing on this channel?" there was a short pause before he spoke again
"Well, Lucas and I have 6 bucks total, what's your haul?" y/n was confused as to why they so desperately needed the money
"what do you mean you don't know yet?" Dustin stressed. He then just sighed and rolled his eyes
"you need money?"
"you have any?" she just smiled at him and held out her hand. He stood up and rush over to her but before he could take the money, she closed her fist. He looked up into her eyes as if to ask 'what the fuck'
"where you going"
"the arcade"
"awesome, I'm coming" she smiled as she put the money in the pocket of her jeans and walked into her room.
"I don't like it when you're there, Keith always watches you and he keeps asking me to set you guys up"
"okay, Dustin, I understand that you're trying to be a protective brother or whatever, but if I want to go to the arcade..." she spoke as she slipped on her shoes, stood up and then continued to talk
"I'm gonna go to the arcade, okay?" she then walked over to a bag she had hung on her door handle and threw it over her shoulder.

"To slay the dragon, use the magic sword." y/n heard from the machine the boys were using across from her.
"Oh, Jesus! I'm in unchartered territory here, guys." Dustin exclaimed
Down! Down! Down!"
"I'm going! I'm going!" they all shouted as the sound of a joystick being moved around and a button being smashed rung in the air.
"Okay. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!" Dustin shouted
"No. No. No! No! No! No! I hate this overpriced bullshit! Son of a b¡tch! Piece of sh¡t!" he stressed as he slammed his hands onto the machine
"You're not nimble enough. But you'll get there one day. But until then, Princess Daphne is still mine."
"Whatever. I'm still tops on Centipede and Dig Dug."
"You sure about that?" a deeper voice that belonged to Keith spoke, followed by the sound of a cheese puff being eaten
"Sure about what?" it then clicked in Dustin's head as he ran around to the side that his sister was on and checked the Centipede machine
"You're kidding me. No, no, no. Move! Move! No, no, no, no, no. Hey, no! No! No!"
"Dustin!" y/n shouted as he pushed her out of the way of the Dig Dig machine. The video game chimed as the best 5 screen came up, revealing that he had been knocked down from 1st place
"751,300 points!" Will exclaimed
"That's impossible."
"Who is Mad Max?" Dustin asked as they all turned to Keith
"Better than you."
"Is it you?" Will asked as Dustin flipped him off. Keith scoffed and said
"You know I despise Dig Dug."
"Then who is it?"
"Yeah, spill it, Keith."
"You want information, then I need something in return." He spoke in his monotone voice and looked up from the boys to y/n who stood behind them all. Her eyes widened as she pulled a disgusted face and then she looked away and back towards the screen, still displaying the top scores
"No, no, no. No way. You're not getting a date with her." Dustin shouted
"Dustin, come on. Just get him the date."
"I'm not prostituting my sister!"
"But it's for a good cause." Lucas tried to reason with him
"don't you think it should be y/n's decision if she wants to go on a date with him or not?" Mike spoke as he gestured to her
"No, what if it was your sister, Mike? I don't get him to date my sister. Know what? He's gonna spread his nasty-ass rash to my whole family and I don't want that!" Dustin boasted, making y/n laugh and walk towards another machine.

"woah, when did you start smoking?" Nancy asked as she plucked the cigarette out from y/n's lips as she walked towards Steve's car. Y/N watched as she smushed it under her foot and said
"since everything that happened last year" and before she could say what she went to talk to them about, a car came speeding into the parking lot and parked in an empty space. Everyone was now focused on the car that nobody had ever seen before as the doors opened. A very attractive guy stepped out, he had a shaggy mullet and facial hair and from what y/n could see, he had beautiful eyes. He threw his cigarette on the floor and looked around before his eyes landed on y/n. He examined her from head to toe and then smirked. She rolled her eyes and looked away, using everything in her power to not smile at his action. Sure he was attractive but y/n knew his type. the type who know they're attractive and they use it as a sort of power, they sleep with anyone who is willing and then never even look at them again, and, they're heart breakers.
"I've gotta go, I've got Drivers Ed first, but before I forget, thank you for letting me borrow this" y/n smiled as she handed Nancy a book from her backpack
"what did you think?" she asked excitedly
"Romance isn't usually my type of thing but I actually didn't mind it"
"great! Well, let me know if you want to borrow any other books"
"thanks, you too!" she smiled as she began to walk away.

"nice driving" an unfamiliar voice spoke from behind y/n. She spun her head around and saw the new guy, without wasting time, she spun her head back around and continuing walking straight ahead of her
"thanks" she quietly muttered, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible.
"I'm Billy, by the way" he informed as he caught up to her and walked beside her. She just hummed as she sped up, pushing past the other students in the hallway as they all watched her and the hot new guy.
"that's normally where you would introduce yourself" he urged
"y/n! here!" a chirpy voice spoke as she was handed an orange piece of paper, Billy was handed one a second later.
"ahh, so... y/n... will I see you at this thing?" he asked, gesturing to the invite to 'Tina's Halloween bash'. She just huffed, she wasn't a fan of parties but there was free alcohol which intrigued her
"if I say yes, will you leave me alone?" she asked without looking at him
"maybe" she stopped in front of the door to her next class, looked at him and said
"then maybe" as the bell rung. He smirked at her as she entered the classroom without looking back at him.

"hey y/n, guess what?" Dustin asked as he arrived home and saw his sister cooking.
"We figured out who MadMax is!"
"you did?" she shook her hands off in the sink after washing them as vegetables sizzled in a pan.
"yeh, it's a girl! and she's called Maxine, but people just call her Max. When she said her name was Max, we instantly knew, but we had to be sure so Lucas and I went to the arcade and waited to see if she would show up, and she did! but I'm pretty sure she thinks we're stalking her or something"
"wow, you seem really invested with this Max, do you maybe have a crush on her?"
"what? no! no! it's just-" he was interrupted by the purr of Mews rubbing against y/n's leg.
"I thought... I heard you outside..." Dustin quietly spoke as he picked the cat up off the floor
"it was probably just a racoon or a rat or something, can you pass me that wooden spoon please" y/n spoke, reaching her hand out towards it.

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