Chapter 14: The beginning of us.

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We spent the rest of our evening playing board games while watching television, occasionally pausing to eat food. Every once in a while, Amari would look up at me with a big grin plastered across her face and laugh loudly after saying something hilarious.

This all seemed like a dream to me. Maybe it was the combination of exhaustion and the overwhelming happiness of seeing her that brought me to this state, but I swear I have never enjoyed spending time with someone as much as with Amari.

We got to bed pretty late, well, she got to bed and I got on the couch... Why didn't I just agree to sleep in the bed with her? That way, we both would be comfortable and I wouldn't have to lie awake thinking about stupid things. Such a disappointing choice.

I sighed tiredly as I rolled over, staring up at the wooden ceiling above my head.

Suddenly, the sound of screaming filled my ears. I jolted upright, my eyes wide open as I listened to the noise carefully. It sounded like it was coming from my bedroom. I climbed out of the couch, ignoring the slight dizziness hitting my brain after sitting up so abruptly, and walked towards my room. After fumbling blindly around for a few seconds before finding the right knob I pushed it open and turned on the lights to see what was going on.

Amari was lying in the bed and seemed to be having a terrible dream. She was tossing and turning and mumbling things that weren't audible to me.

Without thinking twice, I rushed to her and pulled her into a hug, attempting to calm her down.

After a few moments, she stopped thrashing around and started to calm down. My hands were shaking slightly while I rubbed her back softly, trying to reassure her. Her body was tensed and stiff at first, not knowing if she wanted to let her arms fall to her sides or to hug me closer. After a few more seconds, she relaxed and buried her head into my chest, gripping onto my shirt tightly, I realized that she was crying. Her soft little cries mixed in with hiccups and whimpers caused my heart to ache.

For a couple of moments, neither of us moved or spoke. I just continued to rub her back soothingly while I waited for her to stop crying.

I heard her breathing become normal again and I decided to pull away, keeping my arms loosely wrapped around her waist in case she wanted to move from my embrace. She stayed in my arms, refusing to let me go. I kissed her forehead softly and stroked her head gently. Finally, after several minutes, she finally pulled away and wiped her tears, her cheeks still flushed and her eyes were puffy. She looked up at me, her lips quivering, and she took a deep breath before speaking.

- "Can we.. uhm... Can you stay with me tonight?"

She questioned softly.

- "Of course. Anything for you."

My reply made her cheeks turn a deeper shade of red.

She cleared her throat and nodded her head.

- "Yea... Thanks, Grace..."

She whispered, pulling the blankets over herself before curling up under them, closing her eyes tiredly. I smiled down at her tenderly and laid down next to her. As soon as I had settled down, I felt her cuddling into my arm, snuggling closely against me. Instinctively I tightened my hold on her body and rested my chin on top of her head. She pressed her body even closer against mine and hugged me tightly.

- "You're not leaving me... Are you?"

She murmured into my chest, almost whispering it to herself rather than asking me directly.

- "No. Never. I'm right here with you."

I replied in a soft voice, placing a kiss on the top of her head, which made her giggle faintly.

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