7- The Threesome (Part 2)

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It had been months since Tony, Cam, and I were doing the three-way. We had a great time together and fucking ever since. We fucked at the movie theaters, bathroom, Cam's house, hotels, and mine. We had been doing it in many positions. The three of us made three sex-tape videos where I would keep it hidden.

It was almost Christmas where Cam, Tony, and I agreed to confirm our poly relationship. We didn't give a fuck about people making rumors or gossiping about us. We all looked happy and hot together. Naomi didn't look quite happy because I was dating my two best friends. I didn't tell Amy about it since it would've been super concerning to her.

I had been a cheerleader until the football team headed to the playoffs. Cam had a bunch of gigs during weekends, but he did earn a lot of good money. I became popular and I had made friends with the cheer girls while Naomi lost them. She got angry every time. This was my revenge to get her back.

When I was at home, I looked at these sex tapes in three different dates with my headphones on. I didn't want Amy to hear this since she was at the kitchen cooking some dinner for me. I had been spending so much time in which I barely had time with her. She felt lonely sometimes. I felt like I was very distant from myself to her while being on the cheer team and being with Cam and Tony.

Suddenly, I had never thought I had strong feelings for the both of them. Every time I kissed either of these boys, all the girls were disgusted. I was like if they were having a problem with me or something. This relationship was the best thing ever.

Amy came to my room while I was doing some homework and listening to music as well. She crossed her arms when she was looking at me. I could see the sadness in her eyes. It was like something was upsetting her which I needed to bother her to ask. I didn't like to see her like this. I took my headphones off and closed the laptop to take a small break from homework.

"Hey Amy, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"You have been super distant lately," she said sadly. She was kind of right. I had been super distant to her since I began cheerleading and being in a three-way relationship. "Justina look, I am so proud of the hard work you have done."

This made me feel disappointed in myself. She came to sit beside me on my bed. She held my hand to hold her a little bit. She said, "I am on leave from work due to my mental health. I can't stop thinking about mom and our older sister Olivia, it hurts."

"Amy..." I said when her news shocked her.

"Yeah, I have to because I am so scared if I lose you or what if you lost me. We don't know when the time comes," she expressed.

"Amanda Beckman, don't you dare say that to me. This was why my ex-best friend drugged me and then I got addicted," I said.

"I know that, but I am trying to make you feel safe and comfortable here. Most weekends, you have always been out to parties, clubs, dates, and more. I am aware of you on drugs again," she said.

"I am not!" I yelled at her. She took a deep breath and asked me what I had been doing for the whole three months. She missed spending so much time with me and felt like I already changed that quickly. She was saying that I grew up too fast.

"Justina Rose Beckman, I need you to be honest with me and I promise you not to get mad like mom. I am not her, but I am trying to offer major support since you're still a minor," she complained.

I suddenly gulped because she had every right to know since I was under the age of eighteen. I couldn't lie to her anymore. If I continued this, it would've hurt her or me even worse. Her facial expression showed me that she was disappointed, but was very honest with me. I could feel a little anxiety inside of me shaking. I was a little scared.

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