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Would it be a stretch if I said I remember every single detail of every encounter I've had with him? Every single word he's ever said to me? They may not all be plunging my mind at all times, but I do recall every detail, like an internal stamp that can't be erased.

I've had other encounters that I do recall, but mostly not and certainly not in powdered details as I do regarding him. He always held a very special place, and left a special, different feeling. And each time I reminisce, they feel exactly the same, like the first time.

Specs of things that could easily be dusted off, that could mean nothing; leave traces, stitching themselves on a delicate side in me, effortlessly.

So did this unrealistic version.

And now I have my fingers clicking hurriedly against these keys, this early, to take full record. Because just as the ones in reality, this certainly is more than a dream.

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