I Love Sunsets

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I smiled writing this title, because this remains one of my favorite and most heartfelt days. It was strange. We were new to each other, yet very free, and sweetly, mildly reckless. It felt exciting. He probably wouldn't remember, I think he does, but maybe not as detailed as I do. I'll tell you.

It was one of those school nights when all I wanted to do was stay out in the fresh air and chat. It didn't necessarily have to be important, or with someone I was tightly acquainted with, I just wanted to be outside for a reason. I was with Alpha, talking here and there about nothing in particular when he emerged.

He looked graciously built and towered, in a sleeveless blue jacket that exposed his well-toned arms, over a pair of rugged shorts. From the first day I saw him, his walking step, although seemed sluggish at the time remained one of the very striking features of him. It carried confidence and self-sufficiency, married with style.

It was night and nothing extraordinary, except for his presence though. As soon as he approached us, I felt happy. That night was my first encounter with him again after meeting him. It had been months since I first met him, and I wanted to catch up with him from the very first day, out of interest, but one thing led to another, and I just left things reluctantly. Seeing him then felt like a very good opportunity, although not enough excuse for the much happiness I felt, but what did I know at that time? I was innocently going with every flow of my body.


'Good evening' 'Pat, right?'


It was funny how I could not exactly recall when we exchanged names but he appeared to know my name and I knew his. I think other than being told, I had seen his class list once and I also knew his surname. I didn't stalk him though, his class representative was my relative. It was a weird coincidence.

That night, we spoke a little here and there about random topics, and after a while, he complained of a serious headache. I had just gotten tablets for someone and I had some left. So I offered to get him what I had left and he obliged. I quickly rushed in and came back within few minutes.

I had contemplated whether or not to go along with some water he could use to take the tablets, but I easily discarded the idea thinking it would be convenient for him to get water from his hostel which was just a few steps away from where we converged. So when I handed the tablets to him, I carelessly started up a conversation with Alpha completely ignorant of his struggle until he made a weird sound that caught our attention.

He burped again as we both looked over at him, the expression he had on was hilarious. His face was bitterly woven up and that was when I put it all together.

'Hold on did you swallow the tablets?'

'You didn't tell me it was bitter.' he tried to defend himself.

Who in the world does that? Immediately I felt responsible that I hadn't come with water.

'I'm sorry,' I apologized. 'I should have come with water.'

'No, it's fine. I should have actually gone in to take it. But it's fine honestly. It's down now.' He calmed. Straightening himself and joining back in our little chat.

Everything else happened in a snap of time. Next, I could only find myself really close to him, looking through his phone as he swiped across a couple of sunset pictures he had captured with his phone. They were really beautiful and it was strange how suddenly captivated and humbled I was. I felt like I was wrapped around some mighty cozy protective arms while beholding a really gracious beauty.

I loved the pictures, the sunset, such great compliment to his aura and the cool night. I was quite comfortable and so was he. Wrapped in silence, yet we communicated, connected with no tension or awkwardness. I felt peace knowing I didn't necessarily have to speak, yet caught on the understanding that dwelled in spite of it. This was a dream. But no, it wasn't.

You could imagine it as flashes of moments, because right now, everyone is just silent and not even watching photos anymore. Just silence. But beyond that, there was something more.

I can't recall how it happened but he had my hand in his, high upon his chest, and as firmly as he could. I didn't know how to understand this because for all I cared we were not that much friendly yet, just a few hellos and sliding through a few pictures together. Yet he held me with so much affection. I knew it. I felt it.

Till this moment, I have never been able to wrap my head around that particular situation. It felt like we had known each since we were born. It was so natural, so sweet, a little too thorough affection for folks who just met. I wouldn't even try to be modest and say I was overthinking it, I wasn't, because I wasn't even expecting it.

When he said to retire and rest his head, I felt sad. I must confess, I was already drawn to this stranger, but at that time, I hadn't completely processed and understood it. I was just a kid with plain, innocent thoughts.

Walking back in, I found myself wishing he could have stayed a little longer. But also being considerate, I could only agree with him. He needed rest.


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