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Eddie recognized the deep hellish voice. The voice he hated. The voice he wish didn't exist.

That voice gave him a feeling of dread.

Eddie stood from where he crouched in his trailer in the upside-down. He never wanted to come back to this place, yet somehow he found himself back in the hellish landscape.

"Vecna, I know where you are, you son of a bitch."

Vecna stepped forward from the shadows in front of eddie. "Let us get straight to the point. You were once a mortal, and I've turned you into a powerful being. In return, you shall be my right hand man. My general."

"I will never follow your sick plans. You're one sick son of a bi-"

"In return, I will kill all those who wronged you, and those who have wronged your friends. I shall be sure to never harm your friends as long as you do as I say."

Eddie knew damn well vecna loved to play tricks. To say things he didn't mean to get what he wanted. He knew vecna was probably lying.

But he knew damn well vecna would probably destroy everyone and everything he loved if he refused.

He had a plan.

A good plan.

"I agree, but only on one condition."

"And what might that be?"

"Pinky promise."

Vecna stared at Eddie with annoyance very visible in his expression. "Pinky promises are a childish game. I will do no such thing."
"Y'know, when they first invented Pinky promises, they had a condition where if one of them didn't keep the promise, the other dude would rip the other guys Pinky finger off."

Vecna grumbled. "Fine, kas."

"Oh, and don't call me Kas, the names Eddie, supernatural asshat."  Vecna grumbled, retreating into the shadows, leaving Eddie alone.

"You'd think if the guy wanted me as his secretary or whatever, he'd like, tell me what to d-"

Eddie felt himself snap into consciousness. "Eddie! Thank god!" Steve's voice had a hint of worry in it. "Ah shit." Eddie felt light headed from losing blood after accidentally reopening his wounds. "Are you okay eddie?" Dustin loomed over eddies face.

"Geez henderson, you ever heard of personal space?" Eddie joked. Eddie gently pushed Dustin's face away from his with his clawed hand.
"No, no I haven't." Dustin hugged Eddie around his neck. "Ah, I thought you were so stupid you wouldn't know what sarcasm was, guess you do."

Dustin had a shit eating grin on his face. He always did.

And then, a knock on the door startled them all.

433 words.

I love cliffhangers lmao

A/N: I forgot to say, but there's been a bunch of drama in my life so I might take a short break, might, might not. Probably not, but just incase I don't update for a while, I just wanted to let yall know.

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