School Selection

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A couple of years passed, since Sirius's pregnancy and Henrique had grown into a brave and strong young man. He was now an excelent archer and a knife thrower. He was also pretty fast and accurate when using a gun. His relationship with Beatrice bloomed, they were now best-friends-forever, as they claimed. Valentino was sure that his little boy had found his future wife. Henrique was now almost eleven years old, and that fact alone was scaring Valentino, mostly because his little Emerald grew up so fast.

As for Sirius, he ended up giving birth at the early Descember, to a beautifuly baby boy. He named him after his brother, that's how Regulus Remus Valentino De Castella came to be. And to Death's emence pleasure, Valentino fell pregnant a few months after and to everyones shock, he gave birth to twins! 

If you asked anyone, how they picture Death, they would call him, Dark, scary, terifying etc. Well, that was completely different, with the Death they saw the day Valentino gave birth. He was giddy, giggling and to everyones astaunishment he was jumping up and down and dancing. He had in fact rushed up to Remus and pulled him in a hug muttering "Suck it Loki! Look what I have, I have twins muhahahahahah! TWINS. Eat it, you horse fucking idiot!".

Valentino named his sons Kronos Sirius Alehandro De Castella and  Ares Remus Honesta De Castella. 

Sirius was currently holding his two year old son, while Remus and Henrique were playing with the Twins. "I think we should discuss some school options for Henrique." Said Valentino as he strode into the room. Valentino bowed down and kissed all of his children on their heads. "Hmm. You are right love. Henrique is growing, maybe we should start preparing him for Hogwarts." Said Remus.

"I don't think Hogwarts is the right place. I mean England in general." Said Sirius as he adjusted Regulus in his arms. "Well. I agree with you Siri. Besides there are a lot of different schools. And honestly, I'm sorry for hurting your pride, but Hogwarts is in the bottom of the list." Remus frowned "What do you mean? Hogwarts is great! Besides there is only three more schools and I'm sure as hell NOT sending my Cub to Durmstrang or Ilvermorny."

Valentino looked shoked "What in Jupiter's cloack do they teach you there?! Three schools? Really?! Every country has at least two different schools! And Ilvermorny as much as I apreciate them, is way too far. As for Durmstrung, simply no. Remus love, listen. Hogwarts was indeed once a great school, but right now is at the bottom of the chain. They had removed most of their classes, and even those that were kept aren't even up to standart. And I refuse to have my children uneducated to that Troll Cave, British people call school. There are infact far better schools. There's even one here in Italy and I know since I studied there."

Both Sirius and Remus were stuned. They didn't know there were other schools. Now that they thought about it Hogwarts was indeed both dangerous and offered no education. "Alright love. What are the other schools you recomend?". Valentino smiled at his mates.

"Well. Apart form Bauxbatons in France, we have: 
'Diana's Academy' here in Italy.
'Gaia's Magical School' Also here in Italy
' Hecate's School of Magic' In Greece
' Apollo's Temple' In Greece
'The Magical River' In Spain
'Elemental Circle' In Portugal. We can actualy visit them all and then decide." 

Remus looked confused "What do you mean we can visit?". Valentino blinked "Well, you make an apointment and you view the school, you know, ask about available classes, teachers etc....Don't you have that at Hogwarts?". Sirius shook his head "No. We only ever see Hogwarts when we are eleven, On septemper First, when we arrive for the first time." Valentino was flaberghasted. This was the craziest thing he ever heared. No surprise that Hogwarts was at the bottom of the list, and going lower he might add. "Well. I better start making some calls then. Just to be clear, We are staying in the Mediteranian School's right? Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal?". When the other two noded he smiled and went on to make the apointments.

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