Wizards are nuts!

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Henrique and Valentino were in their car. Valentino had promised his son to take him to an amusement park, that made Henrique bounce up and down in excitement. Who wouldn't? Once they made it outside the park. Henrique realised something. This wasn't a muggle amusement park, this was a wizarding park. Now he was even more excited to go. They passed the entrance control, with their bodyguards following behinde them. Henrique loved the place. There were flying carpet rides, underwater rides, flying brooms, magical creatures, mystery spots, a Maypole and tones of others fun activities. Valentino smilled at his son's face. His little Emerald was so cute "Alright son. Where do you want to go first?" Henrique looked around him, trying to decide. when he saw it. A giant ride that went through a huge basilisk, then a Lion, then an Eagle and lastly a Badger. It changed color after every animal. The ride started as plain white, once past the Basilisk it turned green, after the Lion it turned red, the Eagle turned the ride blue and the Badger yellow. After the Badger the ride fell underwater, where it loose all his color. Henrique pointed at the ride excited "Papa! Can we please try that one? Please?". Valentino looked at the ride and agreed. They took their tickets and got in their seats.

The ride started and Henrique laughed. Firts was the Basilisk, many screamed when they made it to it's jaws, but the inside was magnificent. It was illuminated by a green light, fireworks were being thrown inside and snakes wearing silly hats were dancing around. Their wagon did a loop and Henrique screamed. Green smoke erupted painting the wagon green.

They passed another loop and headed towards the lion, who roared. The inside had a reddish color, with lions roaring on every side. Another funny loop end even more fireworks erupted. Then the red smoke came, painting their ride red.

After the lion came the Eagle. Now this time there were no tracks, instead their ride had wings and flew indide the eagel. Blue light and fireworks covered the lace and small eagles were flying everywhere. Then blue smoke, painting them blue.

A few loops later came the Badger. The inside was yellow, with even more fireworks. Little badgers were on the sides waving at everyone and throwing flowers. Their ride turned upside down, making the children laugh. Yellow smoke covered them, turning the ride yellow. An invisible ward activated around them, as the dived into the water. There were mermaids ans seilkies inside waving their hands on them. Henrique waved at them and smilled. A giand octopus showed up stretching it's tenticles, booping their ward, like one would boop a nose. Henrique loved this ride.

Their next one, was a flying carpet. It was fun, but not as fun as their previous ride. They went to the magical creature's play park. There were Kneazles, Crups, Nifflers, Puffskeins. Henrique loved it. A Kneazle was purring on his lap, while he was petting a Puffskein that was bouncing. He giggled by the little balls antics, it was a very energetic yellow fluffy ball. The Kneazle was grey with blue stripes, it was BIG!. Henrique laughed when a Niffler decided to play with his ear. "Hey! That tickles!" He said to the little Niffler, who moved his snout to smell him. He played for the Creatures for at least an hour. But his stomach started protesting, so he had to leave, to eat. 

They found a cute place to eat. The waiter approached theri taple "Hello! And Welcome to the Smilling Mooncalf. What can I get started for you?" Valentino helped his son with his order "We'll have a Butterbeer each, and this young gendleman will have an iced pumkin juice. Then 3 shepherd's pies, Fish and Chips, Chicken and Ham sandwiches, Hash browns, pumpkin pastries and 2... no four apple pies". The waiter wrote it all down and left. She came back with their drinks. "Now kiddo. Would you like to eplore the rest of the wizarding world?" Henrique's eyes widden "Can we go to the Diagon Alley papa?" His papa laughed and messed his hair "Of course my little Emerald. We can go wherever you want!".  Henrique smilled and started eating. After lunch, they raided the sweet kiosk. Valentino bought everything in sight. Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, Lollipops, Ice Mice, Jelly Beans, Nougat, Chocolate Frogs, Chocolate Wands, Sugar Quills, Pepermint Toads, Sugar Mice, Cauldron Cakes, Liquorise Wands, Pumpkin Pasties. 

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