Life and a Tournament

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After the attack Valentino had a meeting with Remus, Sirius and Severus in his office. Sirius was on his lap, while Remus had his head on his shoulder. Severus was awkardly sitting on a near loveseat. "I'm guessing you all have questions about my meeting with the old Fart." They all noded. "Well. He tried to convince me with different ways, into joining his team something about an Order Of The Phoenix, or some shit. He threw a few ' Corrupted goverment' comments and nagged about this war. I simply told him to shove his offer in his ass! He wasn't very happy about it. Tried to offer Henrique a place in his school, again same answer. And then I left."

Severus blinked a few times while Sirius laughed and Remus snorted. "You told Albus Fricking Dumbledore to shove it in his arse?!" Valentino noded and Severus finally laughed "Valentino I've met crazy in my life. Two of them are your husbands, but you are the craziest motherfucker I've even met in my entire life!" he chickled but got serious really quickly. "But.... I assume everything is in order with Albus. I still have one big important question..... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU AND HERNRIQUE?!".

Valentino gave a sheepish smile "Yes, well. There are a few things that you don't know, that apparently now you have to know. Ok let's get this over with. Are you familiar with the story about Death and Three brothers?" Severus noded. "Excellent! It's bullshit. None of this ever happened it's pure fiction, fantasy. Now Death did something different, very different." He stood up and looked outside the window. "Eons ago Death came to Earth in search of the perfect candidate to take his job. He couldn't find any. What he found tho was even better, He found a partner, a lover. A woman named Veronica De Castella. Death slept with her and left her with a great gift, His seed, Ηis unborn child. The first Reaper! Veronica wasn't just any woman. She was a Witch, a Necromancer and my many times great grandmother. My family are the only ones of our kind. We are called Reapers....Death's children. We cannot die the same way you humans can and we live long, very long lives. What you saw in the bunker was my Reaper form, and what you saw Henrique do was exactly the same. 

Now Henrique as you know was blood adopted by me, which changed him and turned him into a Reaper. Only not just any Reaper, Father Death informed me that he has choosen Henrique to take his place when time comes. Until then Henrique would be just like everyone else in this family. Is everything clear now Severus?" poor Severus was uterly shocked to his core. The only thing he could do was nod, perhaps he needed a drink. And apparently that was exactlly what Remus was thinking, because he poured him a drink, which Severus drowned in one glup. 

"Alright, let me see if I understand. Valentino is an actual, living, breathing Reaper created by Death Himself. Henrique is supposed to take Death's place in the near future and you two are okey with this??!!!" Remus and Sirius shrugged "We were a bit shocked at first. I mean it's not every day that you get to meet Death, or that you learn that your husband is a Reaper, or that your best friend's child now yours is destined to take Death's place" said Sirius as he rubbed his stomach. Τo be fair anyone would freak out in Severus's place, especially when a skeletal hand griped his shoulder and Death himself was looming over his head. So yes, Severus's scream and eventual black out was a perfectly normal reaction.

A few years passed.

Henrique grew up to be an exceptionally good student. He finally grew into his beauty and power, and managed to be top of his school! He did grew up a few inches, thanks to Valentino's blood he reached 6'1.  His relationship with Beatrice grew even more and he did took a page of his father's book, and ended up finding love in his childhood best friend Sandiago. Henrique, Beatrice and Sandiago were the power throuple one might say. His Necromancy lessons were going well and his lessons with Father Death even better. He loved spendid time with his siblings, even if they got on his nerves from time to time. The did suffer one major betrayal that lead to an even more major attack, that almost ended Remus's and Valetino's lives.

As for Sirius's Pregnancy it ended up to be twins a boy and a girl. Both Valentino and Father Death were over the moon! Poor Remus wasn't expecting two girls and passed out. Henrique entered over protective older brother mode, that doubled when Valentino got pregnant and also had a baby girl. Sirius named his children Hades and Estella and Valentino named his daughter Veronica. But they didn't stop there Valentino got pregnant one more time with a little girl they named Celena. The De Castella siblings rounded up to 8, Death was very, very pleased with this. 

But everything changed when Henrique's school was choosen to attend the European School competition, where every school from around Europe would participate in a chalenge in order to anounce the winner aka the Best school. The only problem was that the hosting school ended up being Hogwarts, that meaned that Hnerique would be back in England, right in Dumbledore's hands. And Valentino was not happy, not at all. Henrique on the other hand thought that this was the best oportunity, siply because the traitor, that sold his family was in Hogwarts, he waited for his chance for a long time. And nothing and nobody would stand in his way on getting what he wanted.... Revenge!

Hekate's School of Magic reached Hogwarts and none were impressed. Yes it was a castle but there was nothing special in it. Other schools did join them. There was Beauxbatons from France, Durmstrang Institute from Bulgaria, Diana's Academy from Italy, The Mgical River from Spain. Way too many to be honest. But Hnerique didn;t care for any of them, his target was currently sitting in Slytherin table and from the look on his face he had indeed spotted him. Henrique gave a cruel smile and saw as his ex friend swallowed, oh yes this was going to be so much fun.

"Hello Blaise..... Long time no see"..................

Hello! I'm back Happy new Year! So sorry for being gone but my exams took most of my time. I did got me degree in Computers and now I'm waiting for the Results on my English Exams! Thank you all for being so patient and thank you for all your comments!

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