First Task

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The day of the First task came sooner than they expected. Did they have any clue as to what they were facing? Nope! Apparently the judges were tight lipped about it. And Henrique was not happy, how were they supposed to prepare for the task, if they DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE TASK WAS! Stupid British Wizards!

They were again sitting at the Great Hall, having Breakfast when the Headmistres Helena walked up to them. " Καλημέρα χρυσά μου" *Good Morning my dears*. "Καλημέρα Διευθύντρια" *Good Morning Headmistress*. She smiled at her students and turned her eyes to her Champion. " Henrique dear. After breakfast there is going to be a meeting, you should attent, of course your partners and friends are welcome to come. It's going to be a surpise" She said winking and then left, leaving them all confused. 

Once finished with their breakfast, they followed the Headmistress. They ended up walking into a room and Henrique was attacked by a bunch of tiny missiles. He ended up falling on the ground laughing while holding his siblings "I've missed you guys so much!" he was sqeezing them. Valentino chuckled at the image his children made, piled up on top of eachother on the floor..... Death! They all grew up so fast! " Alright, alright Figli, basta, perché non lasciate respirare vostro fratello?" *Children, enough, why don't you let your brother breathe?* 

They got out of the pile and Valentino finally got to hug his eldest "My Little Emerald! I'm so proud of you! I've missed you so much!" Henrique was holding his dad and burried his head on his chest. "Papaa! I'm not little anymore! I'm fifteen!" he wined and that made Valentino sqeeze harder "Only fifteen, you are so young!!!" it was starting to get uncomfortable, until he felt hands slowly draging him away "Val love, you are suffocating him. Hello Cub, I've missed you". 

Henrique jumped on the werewolf "MOOMY!!! I've missed you so much" Remus chuckled, during the years in Italy his children resorted into calling him Moomy, ( he blames Sirius for that). Padfoot has turned into Dadfoot and Valentino is Papa. Well at least it works. Sudently he felt Henrique leaving his arms "Come on Moony you're hogging the Pup!" He laughed as Sirius literally lifted poor Henrique off the ground. "Dadfoot!!! Put me down, that's embarassing." Sirius chuckled and let him down. Henrique turned araound to find his uncles there smilling at him "Papa.... did you bring the entire Famillia?" he asked as he huged all his uncles. Valentino noded. He didn't bring them simply because they wanted to see his son, but for extra protection as always. He, his husbands and his children were all exposed here, and he'll be damned if he didn't bring his best with him!

"Well.... Those are a few faces I've never thought I'd see again. Mister Black, Mister Lupin!" Sirius and Remus turned around to face their old Head of House. "Minnie!!" Minerva scolded at him. "You have some explanations to give Sirius and so do you Remus!". Henrique shook his head and let those two deal with the Professor, he took his Papa's hand and pulled him on the side. 

"Papà, dobbiamo parlare" *Papa, we need to talk*
"Cosa c'è che non va Mio piccolo smeraldo?" *What's wrong My little emerald?*
"Ti ricordi il mio amico Blaise?" * Do you remember my friend blaise?*
"Mi stai chiedendo se mi ricordo del traditore che si è approfittato di te e ha quasi ucciso me e tuo padre?!" *You're asking me if I remeber the traitor that took advantage of you and almost killed me and your dad?*
"Sì. Ascolta, so chelo odi, e ne hai tutto il diritto. Ma no sai tutta la historia Papa! Per favore ascolta" *Yes. Listen I know you hate him, and you have every right to. But you don't know the whole story Papa! Just please listen*
"Non era lui. Era suo padre! Fu lui a dare le informazioni, che prese dalla mente di Blaise. Lo so perché me l'ha detto e Padre Morte lo ha confermato!" *It wasn't him. It was his father! It was he who gave the information, which he took from Blaise's mind. I know because he told me and Father Death confirmed it!*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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