News, Threats and Attacks

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Valentino was in his office. Dumbledore had send him a letter asking for a meeting. To be honest Valentino wanted nothing to do with the Headmaster, but maybe he could use this to his advantage. The door to his office opened and in walked his two husbands. "Love. You've been in here for hours. Is everything alright?" asked Remus as he started massaging Valentino's shoulders, making him hum and relax back to his chair. "I'm not sure Rem. I recieved a letter from the Old Fart. He wants to have a meeting. I'm thinking about it." Sirius who was until now on Valentino's lap stood up "Please tell me you're kidding."

Valentino opened one eye "No. I'm not kidding Love. It's the easiest way to convince this guy that Henrique won't be attenting his school." Sirius shook his head "You can't. You can't go, you can't trust him." Valentino opened both his eyes and stood up "Who says I'm trusting him?". But Sirius was rellentless "No! Listen to me Val. You can't go on your own. I won't let you. Both me and Moony would be coming with you-"

"The Hell you are! No way. And what, are we just going to abandon our children?"
"No, we will all go-"
"You said it yourself, that I can't trust the guy. Now you want to put our entire family in his hands?"
"He is dangerous Val! The guy is an excelent manipulative bastard! He is also a Legilimens! He could convince you to do enything!"
" Αre you calling me weak Sirius?! Do you forget who I am? I'll be taking Giusseppe and his team with me!"
" And do you forget who you are facing?! This guy is dangerous he has influence. He can and will do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING! HE LEFT ME TO ROT IN AZKABAN! HE COULD DO THE SAME WITH YOU!"
"WE ARE NOT THE SAME SIRIUS. I'M NOT A MINDLESS FOLLOWER OF HIS! I CAN PROTECT MYSLEF. Te l'avevo detto. Non andrò da solo. Avrò la mia squadra con me, e anche Padre Morte ci sarà.Non sono un idiota Sirio.Non sono stupido.Pensi che io sia debole? Non sono! So cosa sto facendo, so dove sto andando.Silente è solo un uomo, io sono un Mietitore.Non ho paura di qualche vecchio Fool che si intromette!Pensi che rischierei anche la mia stessa famiglia?! Lo sto facendo per TE. PER NOI. PER LA NOSTRA FAMIGLIA.LO STO FACENDO PERCHÉ TI HA LASCIATO MARCIRE DENTRO AZKABAN! !NON RISCHIEREI MAI NESSUNO DI TE. Do hai così poca fede in me Amore mio?*" Sirius just stood there, looking at him wide eyed. His lower lip trembling. Valentino was stuned, he took one step towards Sirius, but he bolded out, slamming the door behinde him. He looked at Remus who shook his head "Go after him, Val. You need to talk."

Valentino walked into their room, only to see a giant bundle of blankets in the middle of the bed. He sat close and started petting the bundle. "I'm sorry Amore mio. I didn't mean to shout at you. You are right, he is dangerous, but I have to make sure he stays out of our lives, away from you, our Remus and our children. Do you understand My shining star?" The bundle shifted and he found Sirius's head on his lap. "I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean any of it." he pulled him closer and felt Sirius's tears soak his shirt. "I don't want you to leave, not now." Valentino was a bit confused "What do you mean love?".

Sirius burried his face and mumbled something. Valentino lifted his chin with his fingers "I can't hear you My love." Sirius took a deep breath "I don't want you to leave, because......because I'm pregnant."A smile broke in Valentino's face and started kissing Sirius. "My love, those are amazing news!!!! I'm so happy! That's why you're scared?! Oh love, don't be, It'll only be a quick visit. We'll talk and I'll be back before you know it!"

While that was a happening, Severus Snape was teaching potions to the two young children. Severus Snape was impressed, those two were prodigies! Both had grasped the art of Potion making like it was the easiest thing. 

He had to admit that bumping into Black and Lupin in Greece, turned out to be the best thing, that could ever happen to him. He also realised that Lily's child was alive and well, that means he could still honor his oath to his old friend. Merlin the boy was a genius! And to even think that he would be far away from Albus's claws and the Dark Lord's hands was even better. Merlin he would love to see the old fart's face once he realises that Harry Potter is alive, but he is not a Potter anymore.

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