Meeting the Father-In-Law

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Albus was in his office. The Order of the Phoenix were there, all except Sirius and Remus. Minerva stood up "Well Albus. Will you finally tell us, why we are gathered. He-who-must-not-be-named is dead. So what is the reason?". Albus appeared to age even more. "I have some disturbing news Minerva. Very disturbing news." The Order looked at him. Albus took a deep breath "The Dursleys were murdered."

"Pff. Good riddance." mumbled Snape. Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody zeroed at him "Oh! I bet you Death Eater scum are happy that muggles are dead huh?". Snape smiled "Those specific muggles yes!". Moody went to answer but Minerva started screaming at Albus "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE DEAD??? ALBUS! WHAT HAPPENED TO HARRY?". Snape stood up and looked at Minerva "What does Lily's son have to do with this?". Minerva looked at him and then to Albus, Severus's eyes widen and he turned even more pale. "ALBUS! PLEASE TELL ME YOU DID NOT LEAVE LILY'S CHILD WITH THAT DISGUSTING HAG!!!".

Albus tried to appear calm "Severus my boy, you know that Petunia was Harry's only living family". Severus looked ready to curse the old fool. "I told you! I told you Albus to NOT leave Harry with them. But did you listen NO! Where is Mr Potter Albus??!!". Now they were all looking at him and Albus felt like a five year old child. He bit his lip, he knew that if he told them that the boy was dead, he'd loose them all. Minerva would actually kill him and he was sure that Severus would help her. "The Dursley's were murdered by a gang leader. Apparently Vernon owed money to someone. He wasn't able to pay his dept, so the Leader sent his bodyguards to the Dursleys. They killed them all." Here he seemed to stop. Minerva was shakeing, she was silently begging every Deity that Harry was not dead.

"While I was gathering information, a worker came from the house yelling about..... about a body burried in the back yard." Minerva let out a sob, Severus swayed on his feet. Molly looked pale. "They called a doctor and confirmed... the body was a child, a boy by the age of three. I managed to have a look.... I saw the scar. Harry Potter is dead." 

Μinerva broke down crying. Severus fell on the chair, with an empty look on his face. Moody cursed. Molly fell in Arthur's arms, who was crying softly. The Order was shocked. The first to recover was Severus, he stood up and looked Albus with rage visible on his face "I quit! The vow is void Albus. I vowed to help and protect the boy. He is dead. He is dead because of you! YOU LEFT HIM THERE WITH THOSE MONSTERS AND NOW LILY'S SON IS DEAD!". Severus then stormed out of the office. Minerva stoped crying and looked at Albus with a stone exprecion on her face.

"I'm going to follow Severus's lead. I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU NOT TO LEAVE HIM THERE. BUT DID YOU LISTEN? NO! And now James's, Lily's, Remus's and Sirius's boy is dead. My grandson is dead because of you! I will never forgive you Albus! Never. I'll have my resignation letter on your desk by Morning. Do not contact me again Albus. Goodbye." She said and walked out the door. 

Albus was shocked. He never thought that he would lose Minerva, but he was wrong. He lost two memebers, not only in his Order, but in Howgarts too. Moody looked at his old friend "You know Albus. I always respected you, I always stood by you. But now, now I don't think I can anymore. The boy is dead. The only one that would be able to stop that monster, that you insist is still alive, is dead. And we can't even fight the Death Eaters, because you don't want us to use lethal force. Admit it Albus, you've lost, we've lost."

Thousand milles away Henrique, Venom and Father Death were having a conversation.

& Stupid humans. You should let me eat them all Hatchling& 
Death chuckled at the over excited murderous snake, that his little Reaper had collected. "Now Venom. As much as I agree, you know we still need humans. Even though they are anoying."

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