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Kenny has been sitting in the hull since they got there, since he went up to the cockpit, returning once to go to his bunk for a brief moment before he was in the cockpit again.

So he's surprised to find her in the same place he left her, between two crates, head leaning back against the wall. She's been there for at least three days, hasn't moved an inch, or maybe she has, at the times he's drifted off in his pilot seat maybe she's wandered the ship, looking for an escape and finding there is none.

'Stay here.' He says as he passes her, his cape following behind him.

She does the exact opposite and with a little struggle brings herself up to her feet. She stretches her aching bones and follows him towards the ramp, the child waddling right behind her.

He sighs as he looks at both of them, 'Oh, what the hell. Come on.'


As they venture through the small village, people walking in and out of their huts, Kenny looks around for her chance, her chance of freedom, to escape and get away and live a life she's always wanted to live.

She gets lost in her thoughts as she realises she's never really thought about it, she's never given thought to what she would do if she ever got free, she can barely remember her life before the Empire.

Her eyes see an opening, all her thoughts quickly dying down, she notices the gap between two huts and an upcoming cart, if she runs just before the cart she can slip through, it will cut him off and by the time he waits or goes around she'll be gone.

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