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'Chain code?'

'I have a gift for the boss.'

The Stormtrooper doesn't move, just keeps staring at them, 'Chain code?'

Greef sighs and looks down as he searches through his pockets for his card, 'I'll give you 20 credits for the helmet.' The other says staring at Mando, who doesn't even flinch as he stares back.

Kenny shifts beside him when his gaze goes down to her, she wriggles her hands in the restraints, Cara had put them on a little too tight. Mando moves slightly, his pinky finger running across the back of her hand, calming her instantly.

'Ha-ha!' She almost flinches at the sudden loud exclamation, almost, 'Not a chance. That's going on my wall.'

They step aside, guiding them towards the cantina as Mando tilts his head towards Greef, 'On your wall?'

'Go with it.'

'I have a bad feeling about this.' Kenny mutters as they look around the dead town.

They look around at the Troopers around the town, besides them the place is empty, no one here, it's usually filled with hunters or spice runners hiding out before they move on again, all of them staring at them, watching as they walk in, 'You said four. There are more than four troopers.'

Kenny snarls at one a little too close for her liking and he moves away from her, hands gripping his balster a little tighter.

The trooper's uniforms are old, dirty, looking like they've just taken them from the bodies of some fallen soldiers. 'Four guarding the client. Many more here in town. Things got really heated once Mando crashed the safehouse.'

'Slip him his blaster.' Cara demands under her breath.

He scoffs, shaking his head, 'Not yet.'

They finally walk through to where the Client is waiting, he rises from his booth as they enter arms spreading slightly, the pram stops beside the table as they approach him, 'Here we are. You see? Four.'

A door opens and more troopers walk in, Kenny tenses as the Client's gaze looks her up and down, his lips twitchign as his tongue darks out to wet them, 'Look what I brought you. As promised.'

He walks forward, his gaze taken up by the Beskar Mando wears, 'What exquisite craftsmanship. It is amazing how beautiful beskar can be when forged by its ancestral artisans. Can I offer you a libation to celebrate the closing of our shared narrative?'

'I would be obliged.'

'Please sit.'

Kenny shuffles in, being squished up against Mando's right side, she squeezes her hands together, gaze forward as she stares at the Troopers around them.

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