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Kenny is snapped from her long pondering thoughts of long walks along the Dune sea when Mando raises one arm, a command that has both of the speeders slowing to a stop.

He kicks himself off the speeder and Kenny lowers the fabric over her face, 'What's going on?' During their travels, Mando had told her the boy was called Toro Calican, a new guild member who needed to prove himself to get into the Guild.

'Look. Up ahead.'

Calican gets off the bike and looks ahead in the dune sea with his binocs, 'Tusken Raiders. I heard the locals talking about this filth.'

Kenny raises a brow as she crosses her arms watching the two interact, 'Tuskens think they're the locals. Everyone else is just trespassing.'

Calican scoffs as he lowers the binocs, 'Whatever they call themselves, they best keep their distance.'

Finally finding the perfect time to butt in as she removes herself from the speeder, ignoring Mando who is standing way too close for her liking she gives a short chuckle, 'Yeah? Why don't you tell them yourself?'

The Tuskens beside them let out a short yell making him jump away and run towards the pair who are trying not to share a laugh, 'What are you doing?' Calican questions when Mando begins to use sign language to communicate with the Tuskens.

'Negotiating. We need passage across their land.'

The Tuskens point at Kenny making Mando move to cover her, he looks over at Calican and what he has to offer, 'Let me see the binocs.'


Mando doesn't say anything, and when he turns to look at Kenny he is met only with a blank stare, as she looks him up and down, looking as if she is sizing up her prey.

Mando tosses the binocs over to the Tusekens that roar in happiness as they lift them in the air, 'Hey! What? Those were brand new.'

Mando mounts the speeder once more in front of Kenny and she wraps her arms around him as he looks over at Calican, 'Yeah? They were.'

After almost another hour on the speeder they are coming to a stop again, Mando holding his hand out to help her off the speeder.

She raises a brow at him but accepts, 'Lady Jinn.' He says in a mocking tone.

She hides her smile at finally seeing a playful side of him and rolls her eyes as she kicks her leg over landing on the floor beside him, 'I could be a Lady for all you know.'

'Well, after all, I do know very little of you.'

She scoffs, 'That is no excuse, especially when I don't even know your name.'

She leaves him standing there for a moment before he catches up with her, both of them crawling against the sand to peek over the top of the small hill.

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