07 | my jyn

205 8 0

Nine standard months after Tatooine...

'I got you something.'

She looks up from the floor in the corner of the room, she's sitting with her legs crossed while tinkering with one of his blasters that got jammed a few days ago. Neither of them could seem to fix it but she's determined to fix it.

He drags one of the chairs towards where she's sitting and holds a small gift wrapped in cloth. It's soft she realises as she gives it a squeeze and after he nods again, taking his helmet off and setting it aside she pulls open the strings keeping it secured.

A small handmade teddy bear falls out, with mismatched green buttons as eyes and two long ears. She purses her lips as she runs her hands over it and he stutters out his reasoning.

'I just- it's I remember you saying that one thing you hated about the Empire was not having a childhood- and what I remember about my childhood is this old fighter jet toy I had and I saw this- and I just- I-'

'It's great- It's amazing, Hunter,' She clutches it to her chest and looks up at him, 'Thank you.'

She gets to her knees and shuffles closer to him, kissing his cheek gently, 'Thank you.'

She lifts it in the air with a quick smile and he finds himself mirroring the grin, but it slowly fades when she looks away to look at the toy again. 'Miss Pel.'

'Miss Pel?'

He hums in question and smiles again when she looks back at him, his eyes travel from her grin up to her green eyes. 'Miss Pel. Her name.'

'That's nice.'

She nods and then moves forward again, he moves his face slightly and her lips catch the corner of his mouth. She giggles, raising a brow at him, she brushes a thumb across his forehead. 'You still mad about that?'

He grins lifting a hand to cup her cheek and brush his thumb against her bottom lip, 'I'm not mad.' It's spoken so softly she almost misses it and she smiles at his tone.

She nods and stands again, 'Why are you in your armour? Are you leaving again?'

He shakes his head, 'No- I just have to meet someone a town over.'

She nods, 'You'll be back later?'

He leans forward to rest his forehead against hers, she smiles and looks up at him. 'I won't be long.'

He turns from her, lifting his helmet into the air, 'Hunter?'

He pauses and looks back at her over his shoulder, his helmet now sitting comfortably on his head, 'Yeah?'

She watches him, watches his chest move steadily, watches his hands rest on his holster, watches his helmet tilt slightly to the right when she takes too long to say something. 'I-' His helmet tilts further at her hesitation, 'Thank you.'

'Happy Birthday.'


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